Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Oregon in Miami

 So yesterday I drove up to Shorecrest, to help D2 babysit for the Little Man, who already HAS a full time nanny -- it truly takes a village with this kid. We had a terrific day.

First -- we walked the enormous puppy to a close by dog park -- and Betsy was shy. She usually romps with the dogs in the Grove, but we figured she was the new bitch in town and so avoided a chocolate Lab and mixed breed that looked like Petey from the Little Rascals. Afterwards, we sat on a bench in the late morning shade -- and the Little Man surprised us with some perfect English words -- even though he's mostly spoken to in Spanish.

After lunch, we took him to a true hidden gem, that his parents discovered. And I was amazed -- it was like being in Oregon in Miami. It's called Earth N Us Farm. I'm still not clear on the history of the place, but it's 5 acres in Little River, close by Little Haiti. The place is privately owned and open to the public.

They have a barnyard animal rescue -- pigs and turkeys and goats that were destined for the dinner table now live together in large pens. There are birds -- macaws and parrots -- and a pond with koi. They'll serve you a vegan lunch -- a fire pit was going with old style cast iron cooking -- and friendly cats abound.

We took Betsy, and she didn't bark -- in fact, it seemed as the goats were inviting her to join them. She wisely stayed back -- they DO have horns.

The place is totally rustic -- if it were commercial, it'd be shut down for tiny wooden steps and other unsafe structures -- but somehow they've been left alone by the city. They also have a large organic garden, and apparently donate a lot of food to the homeless. There are also washing machines that appeared to be available to any comers -- along with the Air Bnb folks I believe may rent some of the cabins and a treehouse located up in an ancient ficus.

The Little Man feels right at home -- he even did a happy dance in front of the "tugas" -- short for the Spanish tortugas, or turtles. They have two happy tortoises which were lazily sunning themselves.

I thought I really knew Miami -- particularly the quirky, atypical places -- and this showed I do not. I posted it on FaceBook -- anyone with little kids would totally enjoy the place -- and maybe lunch afterwards in MiMo.

We took the Little Man home -- he was a happy boy, and I took the enormous puppy back to Pinecrest. It was a chilly night, and I lit a fire in my firepit, and fantasized I was an ancient hunter, resting with my loyal dogs after a day securing food for my village. 

And then I watched the first ever Monday Night Football playoff game -- true genius in sports media, I thought.

Today I have some errands. I have to drop off a prepaid UPS envelope at the store -- hopefully the conclusion of a comically difficult attempt to transfer an investment account. I had kept it going because old friend Oui was at Morgan Stanley, but she left, and I decided to shift the funds to my Edge account, which I handle, sans management fees. I started this attempt in mid December, and it keeps being thwarted. My "relationship manager" in Jville thinks he has it figured out. We'll see.

Then I need a new FOB battery for Wifey's aging SUV -- the dashboard told me so. I'll drop into one of my favorite stores -- Batteries Plus. I really like stores that specialize -- I always think of the classic "Scotch Tape Boutique" routine from the old SNL. "Hey -- do you sell cassettes?" "No -- we're purists -- only Scotch Tape."

And then later the logistics begin. I fetch Wifey, and drive her up to Shorecrest. She tags D2, and I drive her home. Tomorrow evening I fetch Wifey from Shorecrest, and the Little Man's parents return from Colorado -- they're having a wonderful time.

I will definitely return, though, to the hippie farm. Seeing the Little Man happy dance -- well, that is just priceless.

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