Thursday, May 13, 2021

Self Loathing Tribesmen

 So things in Israel have gotten chippy again, as the Brits say. Apparently some Palis were being evicted from homes in Gaza, and this took place during Ramadan. Things escalated, and then the Palis started firing rockets into all parts of Israel. This never ends well for them -- the IDF started bombing stuff in Pali lands -- and as usual kill 10 Arabs for every Jew killed. You'd think simple math would keep things in check, but since many are Islamic radicals for whom martrydom is a worthy goal -- the normal analysis doesn't apply.

This has gone on forever, and will continue to happen, but what gets my goat is my fellow Jews who jump on the anti-Israel bandwagon. Most are ultra liberal, which I probably used to be before I matured and got had more wisdom, and see the Palis as oppressed underdogs, while the Israelis are modern day Nazis.

I learned last night that my next door neighbor was one of these. I'll call her Carrie, since that's her name, and she responded to a FaceBook post about the situation in a totally anti-Israel way -- typical "all pain is the same" bullshit.

I couldn't help myself, and wrote that I was starting a relief for the poor "rocketeers" from Gaza who might have gotten burned launching the rockets into Tel Aviv. Yes --- some Israeli children were killed, but wasn't the pain of their parents the same as the pain of the poor, burned, terrorists? Human pain is human pain, right?

The Arab world is so vast -- boundless oil money, and room for 100 times the number of people there. The lone Jewish state is smaller than New Jersey, and yet the credo of the Palestinians is "From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free." That means, of course, that every Jew must be killed or moved away. Simply put -- no -- you can't have your New Jersey sized land.

I've actually heard Jews support BDS -- the boycotting of any goods from Israel. To truly show they believe, they've given up cell phones and many medical devices and drugs developed in Israel. Ha. As if. BDS only when it's stuff they don't need.

My in laws survived the Nazi camps. Strangely, the only physical permanent damage my suegra suffered came at the hands of a fellow Jew -- a kapo -- a Jew who collaborated with the guards. This lowly son of a bitch hit my suegra when she refused to work in place of the kapo's lover, who wanted a rest. The hit caused hearing loss that lead to total deafness. So yeah -- I have a special place of enmity in my heart for Jews who hurt other Jews -- much more than for anti-semites.

I hope and pray things settle down in Wifey's ancestral home. I'm a proud Zionist and support Israel in several ways. Do I wish to live there? Not at all. I thoroughly enjoyed my two visits -- one as a boy, and the other a few years back -- but I'm very much an American and will die that way.

As for Carrie -- well -- all I plan to do is encourage our strange rescue dog to take her large craps on their lawn. That was what comes out of the dog will be the same as what comes out of Carrie in her FaceBook posts.

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