Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Our Beloved Country

 I think all one needs to know about the divided state of the US comes from a recent poll, comparing results from the same poll taken in the 70s. The question is whether parents would object to their child marrying someone from a different political party. In the 70s, something like 8% said they'd object. Today it's close to 80%. I really hope we don't head towards another civil war.

In the 70s,  I saw Dave Mason perform at the Nassau Coliseum. He had one hit: "We Just Disagree." Things are quite beyond that.

I have to admit, I watched some of the RNC with Wifey last night, and it made me nauseous. Not because of the idiots giving speeches, but because of the fact that so many Americans actually follow them -- the fake Christian hypocrites. All a speaker has to do is invoke Jesus's name, and he has credibility with a large chunk of the populace -- regardless of what a fraud he or she is.

Trump probably won the GOP nomination four years ago because of the endorsement of Jerry Falwell, Junior, a MAJOR leader of the Christian Right. He was president of Liberty University, sort of the Harvard of that ilk of people. They kick you out of school there if you have premarital sex. You are outlawed if you are gay.

Turns out Falwell and his wife were into some way kinky stuff. They met a young Cuban pool boy in Miami Beach, and Falwell enjoyed watching Becki with the guy while he stood in the corner in a Speedo. How awful. No man should ever wear a Speedo after age 40, and Falwell is in his mid 50s.

Doesn't matter what he did. Falwell now claims that he is the victim here. I love when rich white guys claim victimhood. Actually, it sickens me. I'm a rich white guy, and if I mess up, I blame myself. The one sure identifier of loser hood is blaming others.

Even when the Ds were little, and would whine "That's not fair!," I would tell them that's correct. Life is NOT fair. But it can often be exquisite.

So I'm already soured on politics and the US. I hope Biden and Harris win in a landslide, but I'll still be uneasy -- knowing a large percentage of Americans actually believe the other course. It's sort of like surviving a heart attack but knowing you have some other disease brewing inside.

Happily, the plague here seems to be easing. The new case numbers are way down. On the other hand, there was a CNN article about Maine, a largely Covid-free state. A single wedding produced 60 cases, and a death. The stuff just seems inescapable.

Maybe herd immunity is coming faster than originally thought. Dr. Barry always believed that -- enough of us would have to be exposed, and then the virus would go away. One theory is that has happened in Miami -- maybe a lot more of us were exposed than previously thought. I hope that's the case.

On Monday, I got my annual flu shot. Barry pointedly asked how I thought I'd contract the flu, since I am around so few people. He had a good point.

Wifey wants to get away -- even for a night. The Ds booked us a room at the Key Biscayne RC for September 12. We'll have a cabana, and spend the day, all of us, enjoying the resort. My FOGO (fear of going out) is keeping me from agreeing the spend the night in the hotel. Maybe Wifey will, and I'll fetch her the next day. We'll see...

For now, I'll fixate on the political mess our country is in. It beats watching COVID numbers any time.

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