Monday, August 10, 2020

Leche Dave Rides Again

 So D1 continues to pump each time she nurses our grandson, and the result is a LOT of frozen what is now called "human milk." Not sure why, but "breast milk" is I guess a pre "Me, Too" term -- like "Ladies." A dear friend was excoriated by using that term to address an all female audience. He had no idea "ladies" was considered sexist. I suggested he substitute "nasty old crones" next time.

Anyway, I take seriously my duties as the keeper of the frozen perfect baby food. D1 found a happy recipient for the first batch, but the new Mom didn't follow up. Then, Amanda found her.

This being Miami, which is in many ways a modern schtetl, Amanda and her husband Mike were classmates of D1 in high school. Amanda's baby has reflux, and Amanda can't nurse, and was told by her Peds GI that human milk would be great.

So -- a few months ago, the nice young couple came by, and I met them by the front gate with product, telling them I was Leche Dave, not just Dave. We all had a great laugh.

D1 replenished our supply, and Amanda had a need. So yesterday Amanda texted D1 -- "What is Leche Dave's number again?" We loved it. Leche Dave had become a thing.

Amanda called. Could her husband Mike come at 7? He could. I actually cut a bit short my evening constitutional to accommodate. Leche Dave does his breast, at all times.

Mike came by, and I handed over all the April and May leche. He was SO thankful. We chatted a bit -- turns out he's a cop for a local City -- a sergeant, in fact. I joked that the city was largely Latin, and he was a gringo. "Well -- they need diversity these days."  I really like Mike.

I told him to check with D1, but I assume the supply would be continuing. We have plenty from June and July, and D1 has a freezer filled, too.  The little 4 month old girl with the reflux ought to be in high for months to come.

Truth is, I am SO proud of D1. She gets the need for charity. When she and D2 were little, they'd donate their cut hair to "Locks of Love," a group that makes wigs for kids undergoing chemo. 

She also donates lots of time to the homeless, and public libraries, as well as Jewish causes.

And now -- her most personal product is given away.

And Leche Dave rides again!

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