Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hosting the Enormous Puppy

 So it's been a quiet week here in Pinecrest. As my Dad would answer when I asked what was going on: "Not much -- just the way I like it."

I did put in a long day Tuesday, on a Zoom mediation with Stuart. We mediated 3 cases, and got 2 settled. Stu worked the cases up masterfully -- truly turning what some would call chickenshit into chicken salad. It was good to be involved. The only downside was my backside -- sore after sitting in front of the screen for nearly 9.5 hours. 

Today D2 dropped off Jonathan at his office -- very few employees go in, and so it's pretty Covid safe, and then came here with Betsy, the enormous puppy. Our long time cleaning lady Miriam is spiffying up the apartment for the kids, and so D2 is working in our dining room. Betsy is at her feet, although I hear the occasional bark to our usual, at home dogs.

The plague numbers are staying stable -- on the downward trend, and that brings me a nice measure of peace. I'm well aware they could spike up again at any time, but am hopeful we're past the worst. If only that promised vaccine would get here sooner...

Still, I'm glad to be stuck here. There are a ton of nice food delivery options. I'm thinking we might bring in some Chana Thai for lunch -- and D2 could bring it home for Jonathan.

I put in 6.6 miles on my walk this am, and had a nice long chat with our neighbor Judy. I really like her -- she took over her husband's steel railing company after he died of cancer, and has run it well for many years. They do most of the big high rise projects in town.

She's a born and raised in Miami girl -- actually grew up close to D1 and Joey's house -- attended Edison High. The 'hood changed a LOT since she was a kid there, but is gentrifying nicely. She is very happy to see that.

We talked about living in condos versus our houses, and agreed we could never do it. Even the small, local dustups here are annoying, and we're 81 houses on full and half acres. The thought of having an association with real power scares both of us.

I promised to have her over for cocktails post plague. She really likes Wifey, too. That'll be a nice evening.

So -- hopefully it remains a quiet Thursday. As my Dad said -- just the way I like it...

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