Sunday, August 23, 2020

Leche Dave Rides Again

 So yesterday was, as D1 and D2 said, a banner day. Our grandson's nanny returned from her trip and got a negative Covid test, so Wifey was allowed to leave her temporary, but full time job as replacement nanny. D1, Joey, and the boy arrived early, aging Spaniel in tow, and we enjoyed the baby immensely.

D2 and Jonathan came afterwards, and I mixed some martinis as we ate Anthony's Coal Fired. Alyssa and Freddy came, too -- they're part of the family quarantine bubble, and we all laughed, and talked, and gave the grandson a bit of attention. At one point, he seemed tired, and D1 thought it was nap time, but we men took him into the dining room and he enjoyed the relative quiet of being around only dudes. It was lovely.

The grandson and his parents left, as did Alyssa and Freddy, and D2, Jonathan, the big puppy Betsy, and the strange rescue Vienna took a walk around the 'hood. We talked about their upcoming move -- to their first house, in the Grove. The builder had said to plan on September 1, and then switched it three weeks into the future. It's ok -- it'll happen eventually.  The younguns left, and Wifey and I toasted our family with some herbal tea.

The plague numbers continue to trend well. Today's number of new cases was second lowest since June. I hope we stay the course -- and keep bringing them down. Either way -- Wifey and I ain't going nowhere. Our roots here are so deep -- we're here for the duration and beyond. Hopefully the storms will leave us alone for the rest of the season so we don't lose AC. Now THAT would be a stick in the eye...

D1 and Joey dropped off more frozen milk yesterday. Our lovely daughter, who is on the very thin side, is nevertheless a MAJOR produces of what is now called "human milk." She pumps after feeding the baby, and has freezers full of the stuff.

Her high school friend Amanda is VERY thankful. Her baby is 4 months old, and had gastric reflux. Amanda can't nurse. D1's milk has essentially cured the baby's reflux. If that's not a major mitzvah, I don't know what is.

Amanda's husband Mike texted today -- he calls me "Leche Dave," at my request. He asked if he could come by today to pick up the precious fluid. I told him he could, of course. He's due here in a few minutes.

I'll mask up, meet him at the gate, and deliver the product from May and June. D1 continues to churn it out. for her baby and now Amanda's too. It gladdens me so.

After my Leche Dave duties, I believe a Sunday nap is on the agenda. Wifey's return means classic movies on the TV, instead of the Smithsonian Channel I favor. That's ok -- the old movies are wonderful to nap to.

So things keep looking up here. And I am thankful, of course to the Big Man. And when my family can help another so intimately -- well, if something is better than that, I don't know what it is.

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