Wednesday, March 25, 2020

So What Are You Doing Tomorrow?

Probably over 23 years ago, I was at Capital Grille having lunch with my partner Paul, our associate Allison, and a lawyer I'll call Abbey, since that's his name. We were celebrating, I think, the successful settlement of a case Abbey had referred to us, and Allison, who was single, was asking Abbey how he knew his wife of many years was "the one."

Abbey said that he made a list of negatives and positives about whether he should ask his girlfriend to marry him, and the positives very much outweighed the negatives. I was curious -- what was the biggest negative? Abbey said "Oh -- sense of humor. My wife has ZERO sense of humor. She rarely laughs and thinks almost nothing is funny."

Wow, I said. That would have totally kidded the deal for me. I put sense of humor very high up on the list, and I couldn't IMAGINE being with someone who wasn't funny.

Thankfully, especially since we're quarantined together, Wifey HAS a sense of humor. She loves to laugh.

And each night, before I go up to bed, she asks "So what are you doing tomorrow?" Ha.

The days crawl on. Yesterday, a highlight was a virtual happy hour with Kenny, Joelle, and a brief appearance from their boy Nathan. We toasted an end to the plague, and Kenny brought us up to date with the frontlines at his hospital. Joelle told us about her friend, a UM PAthologist, who had developed a fast result Corona virus test. Sure enough, a news article appeared about it last night. Hopefully they'll get into production soon -- the professor used the technology she came up with when we were fighting Zika a few years ago. Hope it helps.

Other than that -- Wifey is an excellent curator of video content -- we watch movies, and documentaries. As I speak, she has on a History Channel about the industrialization of the US.

I spoke to my sister and brother in law -- very much in the high risk group, given their ages of 77 and 75. But they didn't seem at all concerned -- I was happy about that. And somehow my sister remains "very busy, very busy." I was happy to hear that, too -- some rays of normalcy in these strange times.

I got calls from my stock guy and my bond guy. I told them both no new purchases -- even though I know there are likely great opportunities now for good deals on investments. I'm too conservative -- I told them both we're in survival mode -- just want to make sure I have the cash to support us all (7 humans and 4 dogs) if the need arises. There'll be time enough for investing if the plague passes.

Speaking of the plague, I came up with a marketing idea for the Dems. When Clinton took on Bush I in '92, the mantra was "It's the economy, stupid." And since we had slipped into a post Iraq war recession, it resonated and worked.

My idea is to have everyone start referring to Corona as Trump virus. And instead of covid-19, it is Trump Disease.  I mean, the son of a bitch has been calling it Chinese virus, so why not turn the tables on him?

If we get to the other side of this, I plan to start. If even one simpleton voter buys it -- hey -- it'll have worked.

So for now, another day in the time of Trump virus. May this pass soon.

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