Monday, March 23, 2020

So -- Are You Really Anxious?

The Ds and I think that Wifey is by far the funniest member of our family. She doesn't mean to be -- rarely tells jokes -- but instead has a way about her we find hilarious. Often it's what D1 years ago identified as a "tremendous grasp of the obvious" -- asking questions, for example, that most of us would deem went without saying.

We've been self quarantined for 11 days now -- leaving the house very little, and having zero guests over, with the exception of Jeff, who stayed outside to get some crucial real estate documents notarized, or, as I called it, corona-ized.

Luckily, we've mostly kept our senses of humor, though hours of film noir and documentaries -- Wifey is a fine curator of our home content. For example, we spent several hours yesterday watching an old biography of Irving Berlin.

And this am, after a fitful night of truncated sleep, I was off downstairs to feed the dogs. Wifey stopped me. "Ok -- so are you really ANXIOUS about this whole thing?"  First I told her that her questioning me about my anxiety made me even more anxious. But, as is her bent -- she persisted, saying I could add one point on my anxiety scale, but she demanded a number.

7, I told her. On a 1-10 scale.

I really question American society. Our cartoon character president insists on bluster, and enough of his core followers still believe and love him.

We're seeing two countries with similar sized populations dealing with the plague -- Italy and South Korea. I fear we're much more like Italy, with our aversion to following rules, and distrust of the government. South Korea seems over the hump, with relatively few deaths. Italy is still in the throes -- people dropping by the hour.

So yeah I'm anxious. I try to shed the tensosity, but it's everywhere.

Of course, on the bright side, the facts do seem to show that fatalities tend to be older folks. There are exceptions, but I think I heard 85 % of Italian deaths were of those 60 and over. That's terrible, of course, but anyone I'm friends with would say much better THEY die than their children, if there has to be that awful choice.

Also, according to the site I trust, the one started by the high school computer genius in Seattle, China is considered 90% recovered, as of this am. So there IS a light at the end of this very dark tunnel.

In my talks with the Big Man, I remain thankful for all the days he has given, and ask Him for more.

But yes, I AM pretty damned anxious...

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