Monday, March 9, 2020

My Corona

So the world's in a tiff about Corona virus. I know things are bad, because this am I got calls from BOTH of my brokers -- Oui and Pat -- telling me not to panic even though my net worth is dropping faster than...well...pretty fast.

The whole media frenzy reminds me of an approaching hurricane, where we check the news far too often and no one is really sure what's going to happen until it really happens.  Even the prep is the same -- people hoarding water and toilet paper. Ha. We don't need the latter -- we have 2 bidets.

Meanwhile, we had a fine weekend, grandparent babysitting. Wifey moved in with D1 Thursday night, as D1's man was off on a golf trip in his native land, with his closest friends, one brother, and cousins.  Friday night, I took the new dog, Betsy, to the dog park with D2, and then Jonathan joined us, and we drove to D1's house. It was lovely.

Jonathan and I held the little man. I read him his first Dr. Seuss story. The little guy is adorable and amazing.

Saturday D2 and Jonathan and I drove up to Plantation to visit Mark, the CPA. The millennials correctly pointed out that we could have done all our business by phone and email. I'm a dinosaur, I guess.  They had to endure Mark and my old stories of days gone by. Next year, they vowed -- no more trips to a CPA's office. I can learn from them...

I dropped them off, and sat outside drinking tea, and hanging with the pups. I also visited my friend Steve and his new daughter.

Yesterday I drove up to see D1 and brought Joanna's. There was zero line at the deli counter -- just the still very high prices, but great quality. Wifey came home later, before Joey returned home.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this virus thing. The great news is that is seems to kill no children -- mostly older folks. And, if someone has to be culled from the herd...

The latest news is that people 60 and over should stay home as much as possible. I pointed out to Wifey that our 4.5 year age difference means I should probably go to dinner and on trips alone. She didn't appreciate my humor at all...

The truth is, the only trip planned is a weekend in Key West the first weekend of April. I figure by then things will either be much worse, or improving. Either way, serious drinking in Key West is probably a very viable option...

So for now...we're just staying the course. Wifey and I may well die with less money than we had before. That's not so bad.

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