Friday, March 27, 2020

First Day of a New Business -- Leche Dave's

I watched a very moving piece, by Natan Sharansky, an Israeli scientist and politician.  He was imprisoned in the FSU (former Soviet Union, not the Tally school) for close to a decade, when he tried to emigrate to Israel the the Soviets claimed he knew too much about their nuclear program.

The video was his suggestions for getting through a quarantine -- and he recounted his own issues of not knowing when, or if, his imprisonment would end. But a key thing, he said, was to come up with new goals...even if only mental ones.

I just watched the last episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," by another great Jewish man, Larry David. His comedy specializes in the bubble -- he actually says what most polite people keep in the bubble above their heads, but wouldn't dare say, for fear of offending someone. My dear mother in law absolutely would not get the humor -- she always says what she is thinking, or, if she holds in a thought, contorts her face comically in a way we know exactly what she was going to say -- typically a comment on someone's excess weight.

Anyway, one of the running themes in "Curb" was the spite store -- Larry was banned from his usual coffee shop, "Mocha Joe's" and decided to open a competing one next door, just to put Mocha Joe's out of business. He named it "Latte Larry's."

Well -- my brain synthesized both the comical name, and the sage Sharansky's advice, and I realized I needed to start, immediately, a new business -- geared to assist D1, our new Mom daughter. Wifey already had a job -- assistant nanny -- but has been on hiatus because of the plague. But, alas, D1 has a new need -- frozen breast milk storage.

Our little man has begun sleeping the night, mercifully, but the mile production continues, like at a Wisconsin dairy. D1 pumps, and stores the essential product for future use. The problem? They're running out of room for storage -- in a freezer that hopefully is seldom opened, and keeps product VERY frozen. Alas -- our garage freezer fits the bill.

So yesterday, I took down a 24 quart cooler from the shelf, one I use to keep vodka chilled for tailgate parties, and set about massively disinfecting it. I scrubbed it with bleach. I let it soak. I thoroughly rinsed the bleach away. If any microbial critters are left -- well -- they deserve to take over the world, since they are indeed super biologic.

Later today, Wifey and I will leave the house together for the first time in a fortnight. I like that term -- get to use it so rarely -- but the quarantine period for corona virus is indeed 14 days -- a fortnight!

We'll drive to Lots of Lox where D1 has given us an order for deli lunches for her, Joey, and the full time nanny, as well as, hopefully, some matzoh for the coming Passover, and we will then drive to NE Miami.

We shall gather on their outside pool deck, keeping safe distance. I will slide over their lunch and the clean cooler, like members of a working bomb squad, and we will hopefully get some precious distance actual time with our beloved grandson.

Then, Joey will fill the cooler with the precious product, slide it back over to me, and Wifey and I will leave for Pinecrest. I anticipate a smooth first mission for Leche Dave's.

Like Wifey's job with D1, Leche Dave's will generate a negative profit -- monetarily. But if this plague has taught us anything at all, it's that money is just a tool. As long as you have enough to support your family, and I, the proud mule of my family, do -- well -- profit in ventures is a laughable thing.

I just keep hoping and praying this virus leaves us soon.

In the mean time, Leche Dave's will provide the breast possible service.

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