Friday, December 6, 2019

Some Folks Like To Get Away...

I haven't left the 305 in several months -- completely by choice. I really have no strong desire to travel away from the oasis I have been privileged to create for myself. Wifey feels differently -- and we have reached a nice accommodation -- she travels with her friends. She took a lovely Fall trip to Asheville with Edna and Elizabeth. I was happy to stay home with the dogs.

Tomorrow, I'm set to be, as John Denver sang, leavin' on a jet plane. D2 found out in October that her company wanted her back in NYC for a week in December -- including attendance at their holiday party. So I thought -- maybe I'll go with her the weekend leading into it -- and we can play NYC tourists at Holiday time -- something I always enjoy. Wifey begged off on account of the rough December weather -- she hates the cold -- especially cold rain often happening in NYC post T Day...

So the plan is, D2 and I will fly up tomorrow -- I'll stay until Monday -- and then Jonathan will join her there Wednesday, attend her holiday party with her, and then the two will catch up with NYC friends and Jonathan's sister and brother in law through the following Sunday.  D2 has a couple of dudes who really adore her...

We have no real plans for tomorrow -- but there WILL be some eating, of course. We're staying at the Walker Hotel in Greenwich Village -- D2 and Jonathan's old hood, and walking distance to D2's company. Poor D2 came down with a bad cold, as did Jonathan, but hopefully both are well on the mend and ready for a trip to the place they started their adult lives...

Sunday I may see some old LI friends -- Mark and Rita -- they're planning to come to the City for lunch. If I'm reluctant to travel -- Mark is the king of staying put -- I think, other than camping trips within a short drive, Mark hasn't left LI and NY state for decades.  Their boy Joe is a 1L now -- graduated SUNY with an Engineering degree -- and I look forward to hearing about his experiences in that forum.

And Sunday night -- we have tickets to see "Freestyle Love Supreme," a Broadway show by the Hamilton guy Miranda. It's on a short run -- just through January -- and D2's heard it's a lot of fun. She and I shared "Book of Mormon" when it first came out -- and still quote lyrics from the songs.

I told D2 we could see the Rockefeller Center tree -- she said that's what tourists do. I reminded her that she's a tourist now, too -- having reclaimed her tropical birthright.

Meanwhile, our house is upside down -- all boxes and piles of stuff -- as Wifey is still at the redecorating thing. The great wall of Wifey has been emptied.

The Great Wall of Wifey is the name Dr. Barry and I came up with 9 years ago, when Wifey insisted on buying it. We had a plain wall unit for the TV and stereo, and Wifey went to Blackwelders and ordered a semi custom, beautiful oak piece made up of 4 separate book cases/ storage areas. It cost over $9000, and Barry and I were taken aback at the cost, and so gave it the nickname. Wifey said it would be worth the money as the thing would last forever.

Well, forever turned into 9 years, as Wifey "Can't stand to look at it anymore." and is replacing it with some shelves and a desk a carpenter is building.  The problem is -- you can't even give away the Great Wall -- no charities take wall units, and Wifey's attempts on social media to give it away have failed.

Yesterday a "junk dealer" came by and said his company would haul it away for the modest sum of $600. I politely told Wifey that was NOT happening -- she could hire the lawn guys to schlep it away for $50 and let it become firewood down in Homestead.  Wifey can deal with this -- as well as her plaintive request "What should I do with all these photo albums now????" -- they had happily slept in the Great Wall of Wifey's storage shelves for 9 years and now sit piled up next to the make shift table where I insisted my desk top remain -- Carlos the computer guy sent an assistant to give me a temporary set up yesterday -- I have a feeling I'll be here for several months or so -- which is fine.

But tomorrow -- I leave the mess of my home for a nice, clean, ordered hotel room -- with D2.

Wifey very much wants to go to China. I have approximately zero desire to visit that country. Edna was going to take the trip with her, but Edna's husband Marc decided she wasn't allowed to go without him. So that's not in the cards.

So NYC for a few nights is plenty for me.  For now, at least...

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