Friday, December 13, 2019

Getting Rid of Stuff

So we're in the midst of a Wifey major redecorating job, and I learned an interesting lesson: it's not so easy to give stuff away!

Exhibit A is a huge wall unit Barry and I named the Great Wall of Wifey. We bought it in 2010, for what at the time seemed like a ton of money: over $6000.00. Wifey said it would be a "forever" piece, but it turns out forever is 9 years -- the thing had to go.  So Wifey asked everyone she knew on FaceBook, called all the local charities, and finally used an app called Pinecrest Marketplace. Turns out, no one wants large wall units any more.

Wifey's friend Maureen suggested a junk dealer. He came to the house, measured the Great Wall, and said he would take it away -- if we paid HIM $600! I told Wifey no way -- I would have the lawn guys schlep it first and pay them $100. But then our housekeeper Miriam said she would take it -- she has a family house in Nicaragua, and it needs furnishings. Miriam learned that one of these off brand shipping companies give you a half container from Miami to Managua for a total charge of $500! Miriam took the Great Wall, and next week the guys are coming back for a huge armoire, which we bought when D2 was a baby from our OB's wife -- she was closing up a baby clothing store in South Miami and we paid her $500 for the piece -- in furniture stores they were over $1000. Now, at least, it's being taken away for free.

It's funny -- our old dining room chairs also went to Nicaragua. Our painter Errico likewise has a house there -- and he shipped them, too. If I ever visit that Central American country, I guess I'll feel very much at home.

Wifey has promised the crazy clutter caused by the removal of the Great Wall is being addressed. Apparently she's moving the stuff from one area where we never saw it to another area where we'll never see it -- I thing under a staircase.

Yesterday I had breakfast with my friend Kenny. He said he and his wife had finished de-cluttering. He gave away most of his books, and told his boys they had 30 days to fetch any stuff they wished to keep -- of have shipped to their Maine house, if it had use there, like warm clothes. I actually had neatness envy. I yearn to live in a neat, orderly place.

Poor Wifey. She married a man who had very few cares -- everything rolled off my back. I've morphed into a cranky old guy who now has crazy demands -- like no clutter in his house. She has to deal with that sea change.

Next to go, for me, is my extensive CD collection. 50 of them are stored in a player -- I used to enjoy playing them throughout the house, on speakers in the living room and front porch. Apparently we're getting a new "sound bar," so adios to my old Bose subwoofer and surround sound speakers. That's ok -- time for a change -- the stuff was state of the art in 1998. I just hope I can learn how to use the new stuff coming -- or else my music enjoyment will be limited to my car.

With Miami traffic, I spend more and more time there, anyway...

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