Thursday, October 26, 2017

Like A Breath of Fresh Air

Our first cold front finally came through, yesterday, and left us a delicious morning.  I don't think Miami temperatures have gone below 70 for the last 7 months, but today my trusty weather app says it's 58.  And better -- it "feels like" 57.  What a delightful change.

The weather won't last -- after a gorgeous cool day, it'll be back in the 80s next week - lows in the 70s.  But last night we got a lovely taste of sleeping with the windows open -- the sounds of tropical birds chirping and squaking in the evening air.

Wifey and I used to make fun of snowbirds -- folks who come south for the winter, but summer up north.  We finally see their wisdom -- the constant heat gets to us -- especially near the end of a long and hot summer.

I'll never buy a second place -- as I age, I want to own less, not more, but we do plan to travel more from July through September.

My friends Kenny and Joelle go to Western Maine each summer.  They rent a house on a lake.  The weekly rental has climbed from $5K to nearly $10K, and last week they bought a place.  It's going to be renovated, totally, next Spring, and Kenny hopes it's ready by Fall.  They plan to go there more and more and eventually make it their primary home, after Kenny and Joelle each retire -- probably in 10 years or so.  But he insists Wifey and I come to visit -- we may well take him up on that.

Last week, as we walked through D2's glorious neighborhood of Greenwich Village, we threatened them with a summer rental there.  D2 and Jonathan would welcome it, but I reminded Wifey that NYC in August can be pretty miserable, too -- though nights typically provide relief.

For now, though, I plan to savor this cool change.  My Canes are 6-0, and play an easy game Saturday.  Mike and Loni are hosting a Halloween party Saturday night -- we still have to figure out costumes for his 80s themed soiree.

Tonight I'm giving a football class -- to Wifey's friend Maureen.  She's writing a book about some wild character who did all sorts of intriguing things, and the protagonist played tight end for Rice University.  Maureen knows zero about football, and she's asked me to explain the basics to her -- the Fins play tonight, and there are a few college games, so I can use them as primers...Wifey will bring in food for us, but Maureen has demanded non football talk be kept to a minimum.  She is a serious writer.

Sunday D1 and Joey leave for their honeymoon adventure -- Japan.  I'm thrilled for them.  When I was 12, my Dad planned a three week trip for our family there.  Alas, Mom got sick, and the trip was canceled, so I look at D1's journey as the fulfillment of one of my Dad's dreams -- four and a half decades later.

So welcome cool breezes.  It's great to have you here for awhile.

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