Monday, October 23, 2017

Hop a Flight to Miami Beach, or to Hollywood

So Wifey and I missed D2, and decided to jet on up to LGA for a few days of quality daughter time.  We Ubered over to MIA (I plan to drive less and less and Uber more and more) and had a quick breakfast at the Centurion, and then headed to our gate.  We saw a couple we know, whose kids know the Ds, and laughed because their last name is one of lightness and sweetness, and the Mom is anything but.

We flew to LGA in record time -- plane made it in just over two hours, and then we went to our hotel.  Wifey and I were taken aback.  We're fortunate to often stay in very nice places, but this hotel knocked our socks off.  It's the Edition NY, located in the old Metropolitan Life Building, known for its clock tower.  The hotel is a few years old.  It's big.  Everyone we encountered there treated us like royalty.  They upgraded us to a room with views south to the Freedom Tower, and east to the River.  It was terrific.

We walked across the street to Madison Square Park, and enjoyed the gorgeous afternoon.  There's a dog park, and you're only supposed to go inside with a dog.  Wifey was a scofflaw -- she wanted to sit amongst the puppies sans her own dog.  She got away with it.

After the park, we walked south on 5th Avenue to Ds and Jonathan's place.  We ran into D2, who spotted us on 6th Avenue, and 12th Street.  She laughed -- we walked right past her.  We went to her Village apartment, and Jonathan joined us.  We toasted our reunion.  The young couple looked beautiful and happy.  It gladdened our hearts.

A while back, I read a quote I really like: when your child finds true love, you find true joy.

We walked to dinner at Chumley's, a former speakeasy now an upscale restaurant.  I had their famous burger, which has bone marrow in it.  It was indeed a top 5 burger.  Wifey and D2 had cod, and Jonathan went adventurous -- he tried the rabbit, which the waiter said was best in the city.  He liked it, and was happy to jump over a culinary hurdle.  The waiter was funny -- he said the cuter an animal is, the more delicious.  I countered that we need to keep puppies away from the restaurant.

Wifey and I walked back to our hotel, and D2, inheriting my worry gene, made us text when we made it.  As we crossed the park, I noticed a line of people waiting at a hot dog stand.  Turned out it was the original Shake Shack -- a big deal for tourists in the City.

Saturday Wifey and I had breakfast in the Clock Tower restaurant in the hotel.  Wifey loved it -- high ceilings filled with photos of celebrities in NYC.  The manager, who I befriends as a fellow Long Islander, gave her a guide -- and Wifey had a great time spotting Brando, and Marilyn, and Dylan.  The breakfast was delicious, and the manager Paul and I hit it off -- he's a gay Irish guy from Stony Brook.  He was impressed that I guessed his high school -- Ward Melville.  We traded cards and I told him to call when he comes to the 305 for some restaurant suggestions.

We walked to the Village, and took D2 and Jonathan to lunch -- Wifey and I drank coffee.  Jonathan had to decamp to his apartment to do some work, and we walked to Thomkins Square Park in the East Village -- decidedly more rundown than the West Village.  But they had a Halloween Dog Parade, and it was terrific -- all the dogs and their quirky owners in a packed setting.  Wifey and D2 shot tons of photos and videos.

We left at three, so I could make it back to the apartment for religious reasons -- the Canes game was on TV.  I had given my tickets to D1's in laws, and they sent me a photo of themselves having a blast.  I was happy to see that.  The Canes played another tight game, and Wifey had a great time filming me yelling at the TV, even though we always had the lead.  I probably care too much about that team...

As the game ended, Jonathan took us to one of their go to date restaurants, and it was also delicious.  We had awesome scallops, and the waiter brought us extra sides and desserts.  I realized I had a $100 hotel credit at the Edition, and so we walked there, and had a few more expensive cocktails.  It was an awesome night.

Sunday Jonathan and D2 walked back to our hotel, where Paul the manager greeted us warmly, and gave us a great table.  We ordered, and I avoided the special -- French toast with bacon.  But Paul was a mind reader -- he sent it over complements of the place, and we shared it.  Afterwards we walked again, all over, and made our way to Chelsea Market.  Jonathan begged off to go do some more work -- he was prepping for a business trip to Oregon this week -- and we savored our time with D2.

The market was decorated for Halloween, and we found a few seats near a duo on guitar and bass playing show tunes.  It made for a wonderful afternoon.

We walked D2 back to her apartment, and UBered to our hotel and then to LGA.  As an added bonus, I got to watch the second half of the Dolphins'Jets game at the LGA Centurion lounge, and the Fins came back in the 4th quarter to win, to the dismay of the mostly NY crowd.

We flew home to the heat and humidity, and, thankfully and thanks to Chris, our 1L dog and house sitter, happy and living dogs.

And then there was the big news...D1 was profiled in, of all things, the freaking NY Times!  It was online Friday, but in the print edition Sunday.  We already got several emails from friends who read the Sunday Times.

All I know is, during this trip, Wifey and I took stock of our blessings.  She said that growing up working class in Canarsie and then Kendall, she never imagined taking trips and staying in places like the Edition.  It's very nice.

But the main thing is our ridiculous daughters.  As in ridiculously spectacular.  We adore them. We admire them.  We unconditionally love them.

My beloved late Dad was a devoted Times reader.  I imagine his expression if he saw his granddaughter profiled in the "paper of record."  He'd be absurdly proud.  We're absurdly fortunate.

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