Friday, June 9, 2017

One Wins and One Hangs

So it's been an eventful couple of days here in the Miami legal world.  First the great news:  my dear friend and law partner Stu went to trial last week -- on a case I had told him to give up years ago.  He represented a 70 year old homeless guy, with no work loss, who was on a bike, probably driving against traffic, when he was hit by a cable tv truck.  The man broke his shoulder.

The insurance lawyer offered Stu $50K, and I thought it was probably a decent offer.  But Stu had a big medical lien, of $150K, and so really couldn't settle.  Instead, he and young Vince went to trial, against a very seasoned opponent, and won.  Big.  Like $1,030,000 big.  It was a major, legal grand slam.  I was thrilled for my man -- shows even though we're in our late (er) 50s, we might still have it.

On the other side of things, probably the best and most successful plaintiff's lawyer in town decided he'd had enough of this mortal coil, and hung himself over night.  Erv was a year ahead of me at Miami Law, was married, and had no kids.  But he had success -- and a lot of it -- getting many multi million dollar verdicts and settlements.  He was very active in the lawyers' groups -- really seemed to thing being a PI lawyer was a calling.

Rumor has it that his wife told him she was leaving, and he couldn't handle the news.  I assume now there is a very rich widow in town.

I watched a comedian recently, and he said if you're an adult and don't have kids, or no real relationship with them, might as WELL kill yourself.  Work colleagues and friends would say "Yeah -- sad" but unless you have kids no one truly grieves.

I suggested to Stu and my other active partner John that they take out an ad in the local legal journal expressing their condolences at the loss of an esteemed colleague, but reminding his clients that they are available for consultation.  I mean -- life goes on, right?  Can't let a suicide rope stop the whole carnival...

As for Stu, I am truly thrilled for him.  I hope this is the start of a very big and new beginning.  We've entrusted some significant cases to him, and expect huge things from him now.

I mean, the more I leave for Wifey when I depart this orb -- the better.

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