Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Brutal Politics

D2 is right -- I spend far too much time on FaceBook (tm) and let myself get riled up.  I really need to read about politics and current affairs, and keep my opinions to only educated friends.  It's a no win, otherwise.

The other night my "friend" Arnald got my goat.  He's a former neighbor, and I admire much about him.  He raised three great girls, and volunteers with his wife's inner city school -- she's a principal.  Arnald cleans and paints the places for free.  He walks the walk.

But when it comes to politics, well, he's a Fox news retardate.  He LOVES Trump.  He HATES Obama.  He posted an article about the UVA kid who was returned from North Korea in a permanent vegetative state, who died.  Arnald used the news as an opportunity to blame Obama -- somehow it was his fault.

When I heard about the kid, honestly, my first thought was nominating him for the Darwin Awards -- the sick contest where it's decided who died the stupidest death.  It gets its name because we, as a society, ought to cull out the dumbest before they reproduce.  This idiot went to the most brutal dictatorship on earth, and stole a sign?  Of course it's tragic he was beaten to near death, but as the Geico commercials say, that's that North Korean officials do...

Still, the proper and decent reaction ought to be sympathy for the parents -- not a vehicle for hating on an ex president of the US.  Arnald is on double secret probation with me -- I'm close to unfriending him.

I DID unfriend someone this am.  I'll call him Martin, since that's his name.  He's an old still hippie who married my psychotic cousin Gloria.  He succeeded in shortening the lives of my Aunt Lorraine and Uncle Abe by worrying them no end about their daughter.  Martin left a good job as a NYC educator to become some kind of organic farmer.  And this was before anyone other than hippies knew what that was.  He moved Gloria to rural Massachussets, and now they're in North Carolina.

Anyway, Martin friended me on FaceBook, even though we last met at a wedding years ago.  And I found his photos of organic goat farming kind of interesting.

But it turns out Martin's politics are FAR left -- like anti semitic left.  Lately he's been posting all sorts of nice things equating Israel with Nazi Germany.  And this from a NY Jew!!!

He reminded me of the Woody Allen quip about a Reform Temple:  "Our congregation is SO liberal, the rabbi is a Nazi."  Martin went on and on.

I try to be tolerant of various points of view, but self hating Jews are the lowest of the low, in my personal book.  They are the social media kapos of our time.

So I wish Martin continued existence in his organic goat shit on his farm.  But I'm done with him.

My favorite uncle was Abe -- he died years ago.  Abe never could stand his weirdo son in law.  He'd be proud of me, I know...

Meanwhile, in the real world, yesterday the results came in for the most expensive House election in history.  The chunky white Republican beat the skinny Jewish guy.  The district is traditionally Republican -- successful white folks in suburban Atlanta -- Wifey's BFF lives there.  If the results are predictive of the coming mid term elections, Trumpites will remain in power for a good long time.

I think the only rational response to that was stated by the great comedian Dave Chappelle, asked by his lefty friends if he was leaving the country post Trump.  "Nah.  I figure I'll hang around and see how these tax cuts work out for me."

And so it shall be.  Politically, it's the end of the world as we know it, and like another Georgian sang, I feel fine.

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