Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where To?

My partner Paul travels a lot, though he claims to "never go anywhere." He just returned from a week in Peru, with his lovely girlfriend.

We went to lunch with our roommate Mark yesterday. Mark';s a true adventurer --this past year he's gone to Africa to shoot an elephant, and to Patagonia to kill some type of moose-like animal. (He always goes on about the uniqueness of these beasts, but to me they're all types of moose, or elk, or whatever).

The two turned to me, in the noisy Soyka restaurant (where the chicken was overcooked, by the way) and asked where I wanted to go.

My answer: no where, really. I guess it's kind of sad, especially as Wifey and I enter the empty nester-hood phase of life, but no place really draws me.

That said, we have a trip planned to October --a week in Maine and Boston with Dr. Eric and Dana. We're reprising last year's Fall trip with them. Last Ocitober we went to Asheville and Highlands, NC, and had a superb time. All 4 of us love the autumn, the season we most miss by living in Miami.

Other than that -- I don't know. Maybe California. I'd like to visit my nephew Henry and his wife in their new town south of San Francisco --Pacifica. It looks like a place I'd enjoy, and I love catching up with my energetic nephew and his bride. From there, I'd like to drive the PCH to LA, to visit some friends, and hang in LA.

I've been to LA probably 20 times, and really love it there, in the way I love New York. There's always a ton of stuff going on.

So, other than those 2 pretty pedestrian places, I plan to hang close to home.

Wifey wants to see China, and I'm encouraging her to go with some friends. I have no desire to go there --I woudln't get on a plane for free. About the only Asian place I would go is Japan --and that's not a real draw...

So for now, it's home, where my love lies waiting silently (ha!) for me...

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