Saturday, August 21, 2010

Good Shabbos

Sixteen years ago I met Rabbi Yossi, when he moved to Miami with his lovely wife and baby son, and became Wifey and my tenant. We became friends.

Yossi is a rabbi with Chabad Lubavitch, a branch of ultra orthodox Hasidic Judaism that sets about trying to bring non religious Jews back into the fold.

The group was pretty below the radar until a leader emerged in the 50s named Menachem Scheerson, who proved to be their Jesus Christ. Schneerson was a larger than life fellow, who taught lessons of charity and piety, and inspired a whole generation of young emmisaries (schluchim) to travel the world and spread the message.

Schneerson was brilliant. He was trained as an engineer at the Sorbonne, and so had a deep understanding of the secular world, as well as his amazing grasp of things Jewish. Many of his followers still think he was the messiah (moshiach) and that his presence on earth was God's promise to lead the people.

All I know is, my family became friends with Rabbi Yossi, and our lives WERE enriched. We sent our Ds for some Hebrew training, which we likely wouldn't have done, and we watched as Rabbi Tossi and his amazing wife Nechama built programs that have helped disabled kids, comfort the afflictd, and truly do great works in Miami.

I dabbled in the religion part --going to holiday celebrations and attending services, but, alas, my true nature as an agnostic eventually won out. I'm not a man of faith, I have acknowledged to myself. I'm my father's son, and he was a proud agnostic and doubter of all organized religion.

Rabbi never stops trying, however. Last night, he hosted my partner Paul and his girlfriend, along with Paul's son Alex and his lovely wife Danielle, at their weekly sabbath (shabbos) meal. We were invited. We declined.

Alex and Danielle stopped by on their way to the Rabbi's house. As Wifey describes them, they're the world's cutest couple. And they are.

Alex asked me to go along, but I told him I had "served my time," and, in all due respect, I found the dinners interminable. I appreciate the beauty for believers, but for me, I'd rather watch golf on TV, which I think is the world's most boring pasttime. At least when I do that, I can nap...

So, once again, the believers beckoned, and I failed to answer.

If there IS a heaven, and I'm shown the gate after I die but told my apostasy during life keeps me out --I'll take it like a man! Or ghost, I guess...

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