Monday, August 2, 2010

I think it's about...gratitude

A few months ago, I learned that Professor Schultz is still alive, and living in Tennessee. Dr. Schultz was the Organic Chem professor who taught me a lesson I recall each day: we're all students in the study of human nature.

I was on a tour of UM's Chemistry Department, and I asked a young faculty member about him. He knew about Schultz --he was Chair of the Department for many years, but had never met him. Still, he heard that the old Professor was retired and enjoying the Smokey Mountains. I was glad to learn that...

So Wifey and I spoke yesterday, as I was driving home with DiNapoli chickens marsala and cacciatore for D2 and my dinner. She's in Maine with her dear friends Jodi and Edna, and she sounded so happy and relaxed. They were going to movies, and Wifey said that she was reading on a porch overlooking a lake, in the cool morning air, and fell into the most wonderful nap. She was so relaxed and happy. She was grateful for the trip.

It occurred to me that gratitude is the ticket to happiness. The Talmud teaches that a truly rich man isn't the one with the most gold, but rather the man who is satisfied with the gold he has.

I heard the same message Saturday night, at the Robert Plant show, when he sang "Satisfied Mind." The meaning is the same --you ain't got nothing unless you got a satisfied mind, a mind at ease, a mind filled with gratitude.

Dr. Barry's at the PICU this week, and he emailed me yesterday about a case where a 13 month old was about to die, after an entire short lifetime with an irreparable heart defect. I imagined the baby's parents, and how they must feel so bereft. I was thankful to NOT be in their place.

So, I slept 9 hours last night, and had a wonderful cup of Joe this am, while reading the Herald while D1's puppy licked my legs. I checked the Ds beds --two peacefully sleeping daughters, dreaming of their lives --both present and accounted for. This Daddy O has boundless gratitude for that.

I'm going to the office today. My roommate Joel needs some political help for his sister --a wonderful , lifelong prosecutor aiming for a judgship. I 'm happy I can help.

Don Henley sang in a song he didn't write that "it's about forgiveness." Nah --it's about appreciation of all in life, about having thankfulness, about gratitude. Now THAT'S the ticket.

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