Friday, March 5, 2010

Classic Faux Pas

Wifey often tells me she's impressed at how I always seem to say the right thing at the right time, in contrast to her tendency (inherited from her parents) to do just the opposite. Well, earlier this week, I managed to show a fine example of foot in mouth disease.

Dr. Eric called me as I was driving home, telling me he had "his favorite medical student" with him in his office, and they were on speaker phone. He told me that he needed Dr. Barry's cell number, to call on this young lady's behalf.

It seems, he said, that after spending several weeks seeing cranky, elderly patients in his Delray Beach cardiology practice, "she was certain she wanted to train as a pediatrician" and Dr. Eric figured Dr. Barry would be the perfect mentor.

The insidious analogy percolated in my brain, and I blurted out: "Ha! I fully understand. I guess it's like when a woman dates all the wrong guys, it's enough to turn her into a lesbian!"

There was a nervous chuckle on the phone, and I then gave them Dr. Barry's number.

I spoke to Dr. Eric last night, and brought up my improper comment. "Well," he said, "I wasn't going to tell you, but by her appearance, I'm pretty certain that the student is, in fact, gay."

I smacked my forehead and said "D'Oh" just like Homer Simpson. What a putz I was to say what I did. I felt awful.

I spoke t Dr. Barry, and he had had a conversation with the young lady. She didn't bring anything up about the call, and Barry said she sounded delightful, and he hoped she'd be coming to his program in a few years.

As for me, I'll have to rein in my words --something that becomes increasingly harder to do as one ages.

Soon, Wifey and I can go to parties and insult people left and right!

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