Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dinner with the Widower

Last night I had dinner with my friend John, whose wife died 2 months ago. He's doing well, although learning, bit by bit, this parenting thing for his 13 year old daughter. His late wife was a stay at home Mom, and John a traditional breadwinner Dad, so he's slowly adapting to a new role.

"Ole ball and chain" jokes aside, it's remarkable the way life goes on after things change so radically. Last year all was going smoothly, and now, all of a sudden, 1/3 of a family is gone.

Another friend of mine lost his wife to cancer, too. She was 57. My friend got married within 6 months, to a woman nearly 30 years his junior. I guess he just couldn't fathom life without a spouse.

Today's Herald has a retrospective of the Eastern Airlines crash inthe Everglades, which was 35 years ago last Thursday. 100 were killed; 75 survived. One of the lucky ones, a former stewardess (they didn't call them attendants then) is now 60, and living in West Miami. She says she never leaves the house angry at her family, and without saying "I love you."

Wifey and I were talking the other day that our daughtere end every cell phone conversation with those words. We're proud of our girls' wisdom.

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