Friday, September 6, 2024

Outlive Day

 Yes, I'm morbid -- "Obituary Dave" I'm called on my Canes football text chat, as I'm usually the one telling people of a death of someone we know. Actually, Norman has been giving me  quite a run for my no money in that regard -- he's typically first with a celebrity death notice.

But last July, I turned 63, which was the last birthday my Dad ever celebrated, and I actually went to the calendar and calculated how many days PAST his 63rd birthday he lived. The same date for me was last Labor Day. I have now outlived my father by nearly 2 weeks.

Of course, I hope my lifespan is closer to my Mom's -- 93 instead of 63. But I never saw the point in pondering these ultimate questions -- when will this great party called my life end?

Paul and I discuss this ad nauseum. He told me for years that given his lifestyle, there was "no way" he'd live to 50, then 60, and absolutely NOT 70. Well, he turns 74 soon, and is off to a driving tour of Europe to celebrate, so his fatal predictions have been thankfully completely wrong.

All I know is what I've seen. With precious few outliers, people who live long seem to have a nice quality of life until the very late 80s -- then it goes to crap.

That was the case with my Mom -- at 89 she crashed her car, and thus began a long, tough descent until the final 11 months in a nursing home. Wifey's Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers in his mid 80s, and went to a nursing home at 86 -- he lived there for 4 years, with the porpoising we often see -- he'd decline, sometimes to the point of ICU visits at Mt. Sinal Hospital, where they happily did "wallet biopsies"  with his Medicare AND Medicaid coverages, until he finally passed.

My mother in law was pretty together into her early 90s, but spent her final years in an ALF and then nursing home -- passing at 96.

So my less than stellar observation techniques tell me to savor the RIGHT NOW, and I do, each day.

And that doesn't mean actually doing that much -- I could take or leave travel, for example. But savoring walks, and time with friends, and good shows and reading -- and, of course, the sacred time with the Ds and their 4 men.

This am I got the Covid shot from Walgreens -- covered by my Obama Care PPO. I joked with the pharmacist -- asked her if I should get Gardasil -- the anti HPV shot given to pre sexual girls and boys to prevent cervical cancer. At first she couldn't tell if I was an idiot or joking, but when I let on, she doubled over in laughter -- and then told me that probably a Hep B jab was coming by next year for 65 plus. As a pro-vaxxer, I'll be in line for that one.

Tomorrow is the Canes home opener -- hopefully a yawner against FAMU. I recall, my freshman year, when they beat the Canes in Tally -- that was the last time 45 seasons ago. 

Since the game is at 6, Wifey is going! I know Mike is tailgating, and I have to see if Norman is -- but most of my beloved crew will be there. I bought a bottle of Absolut Elyx -- their premium brand. Hopefully there can be some early season shots.

And Sunday -- off with the grandsons to see the capybara experience at Jungle Island. So a fine weekend awaits.

Yes, I thank the Big Man for the days -- hopefully MANY more than Dad got. Boy, do I wish he could have met my family...

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