Friday, August 30, 2024


 As a mostly retired lawyer, the every day chores grow in importance, and coupled with my OCD tendencies about completing tasks, I take them seriously.

There are anti-vaxxers. I am a pro-vaxxer, largely because my smart doctor friends always tell me about cases of people dying of completely preventable diseases. A new jab comes out -- I'm there! Conspiracy theorists think Big Pharma is out to kill us with vaccines, or use them to monitor our thoughts. I figure when the FDA gives approval, they're pretty safe, and when the CDC says to get jabbed, I'm first, or near first, in line.

The very same evening the FDA approved this year's Covid shots, I went online at Walgreens and booked an appointment for 9/6. Later, I CVS had earlier appointments, and I booked for flu and Covid for this am.

In my doc's office, Nurse Nancy offered me the flu shot, and Dr. Rigo thought why not -- get flu, and Covid a few days later -- so if I had any side effects, they could figure out the source. The flu shot caused a sore arm of 3 hours duration.

I also checked -- was I current on Tetanus? I was. And I learned I had gotten RSV last year -- and that's a one and done.

Anyway, I fed the Special Needs Spaniel this am, and also fed Betsy, the enormous Pyragold, who is bunking with us while D2 and Jonathan are in NYC. Then it was off to CVS.

I checked in with the lovely Heather, pharmacy tech, and she took my insurance card and said there was bad news. My Obama Care plan is a PPO, and my chosen pharmacy is Walgreens, not CVS. But last year I got the updated Covid at CVS. Heather said last year the Feds were still subsidizing it -- no more.

I could have it -- for $200. It was one of those tipping point moments -- for $25 I would have just paid, but $200 is a nice meal at Capitol Grille. Also, I knew I already had the Walgreens as a backup. 

Assuming the Plague spares me for the next week, I'll get my jab at Walgreens.

Meanwhile, Canes open tomorrow at UF, and I find myself more excited than I have been in years. First, Canes look to be good, but more importantly, I understand that watching games, either at home or at tailgates, is one of my favorite things to do.

Tomorrow Norman is hosting -- grilling  and drinking for Dr. Barry, Scott, Josh, and Norman's youngest Benjamin. Indeed a league of august gentlemen.

D1 is up in the air, like the great George Clooney movie. Last I checked, she was over NOLA and more than halfway to Austin.

D2 and Jonathan are in NYC -- Jonathan at the US Open with great seats provided by some banker friends. D2 begged off -- she shares my complete disinterest in tennis -- though maybe if she knew the sick seats available, she'd have gone.

Next Saturday is the Canes home opener -- against weak FAMU. If it's a night game, maybe Wifey will come along. If not, I have to find a date.

Either way, hopefully I'll be jabbed before going. Though immunity doesn't really maximize for a week, ain't nobody got time for Covid...

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