Sunday, August 25, 2024

The 'Vid Still Hanging Around

 Man -- basta!, as they say in Miami. Enough! Alas, with Covid-19, it's not to be. Certainly the dread and fear of it's first year is gone -- we had a newborn grandson and I lost 50 lbs literally walking 10 miles per day and eating little, out of the fear we might perish. That dread ended, and I gained back the weight, and now walk 3 miles most days...

So D2 was the first to be stricken in our family -- last Tuesday, sick as hell. She went over to Urgent Care and fortunately had clear lungs on X ray, but Covid19. No paxlovid, since she's young and strong, but 4 days of "the sickest I've ever been." Jonathan was a little congested but tested negative until he didn't - 4 days later. Fortunately he feels fine but congested.

D1 felt off and tested -- negative -- again, until it wasn't. She tested positive the other day, but luckily had only mild symptoms. Joey, Wifey, and I were spared -- I tested on Friday since I had a test kit that was expiring soon, and figured I'd at least toss it used. Thankfully, negative.

Since I'm probably as pro-vaxx as any anti -vaxxer is anti, I checked daily for the news that the updated jab was available. That happened Thursday, and I went on the Walgreen's site and got an appointment 9/6. CVS had one the week earlier, and so Friday am, assuming I remain disease-free, I plan to get my updated jab along with seasonal flu. I'll probably get RSV and the new Pneumonia jabs later, too, on account of being as old as fuh and rather, well, not thin.

I urged Wifey to get her jabs, too, and hopefully she finds the tool she often misplaces that is essential to accomplishing tasks: the round 'tuitt.

Meanwhile, yesterday I fetched Little Man and took him to a Grandpa lunch, after a grandpa breakfast with Mike and Chris and the amazingly chill baby Teddy. I told Chris he and Rachel picked the best model from the baby store at South Miami Hospital.

D1 was the same as a baby -- chill all the time, and completely portable. Wifey and I even took her to Bern's Steakhouse in Tampa when she was one when I turned a business trip into one that included Busch Gardens -- wow -- back in 1989.

Little Man was a delight -- he ordered his favorite -- bagel and Nova with creamcheese, and I prepared it with perfectly spread cheese and fish. The busman, an affable Black fellow, watched in amazement as the 4.75 year old "killed the whole thing." Not only that, there was room for a rugelah the waitress brought for free -- she enjoyed watching him, too.

Her granddaughter was there -- Big Apple Deli in North Miami is a friendly place -- and the waitress brought the 5 year old Elianna over to meet Little Man. He is NEVER shy, but hid behind me and peeked around at her -- and she did the same with her abuela. D1 says a strikingly beautiful woman can have that effect. All I know is, the cute quotient was extremely high.

I dropped the Little Man at home, and drove home for a college football nap -- waking just as Ga Tech kicked the winning FG to upset the 'Noles in Ireland. To my homies' dismay, I LIKE the Noles, so long as we don't play them, but the result wasn't one to wreck my mood this week..

Canes open up at UF next Saturday, and in total confirmation of being old as fuh, had zero desire to travel to The Swamp for the game -- 3:30 pm in late August Gville didn't appeal at all. Back in the day, I'd have been there, as would all of my aforementioned crew.

Norman is hosting a BBQ --- and my nephew of another mister Scott is coming from D.C. just to watch the game with us. I'm assuming brother Josh will be along, too, as well as 1/3 of Norman's fine son squad.

Wifey has begged off -- Allison is due back after a LONG delay, on account of getting a full time job, to finally finish off our front porch with furniture placements and such.

All of these plans assume we stay 'vid free.

I guess like the flu, it's here to stay, and we cool, so long as it stays annoying and not fatal. Then again, I saw a T shirt that said "What Virus Doesn't Kill You Mutates Until It Does." Hopefully that's not the case.

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