Sunday, August 4, 2024

Easy Like Sunday Morning

 So my truncated bachelorhood continues. Friday night I met my sister of another mister Mirta at Titanic, and we did NOT sit at the bar, but rather the corner where we shared some fish, chips, and jambalaya.

Mirta doesn't drink, and I didn't either -- good to keep it to a few time a week at most. We caught up about good times and riches and son of a bitches -- mostly trying to figure out some of the bizarre people we've had associated with our law firm since Mirta joined in 1998.

We recounted the journey -- she was originally hired by our roommate Mark, a comically cheap guy, to be our receptionist, but Mark saw an opportunity -- he used Mirta for all manner of personal stuff. She became, essentially, the case manager for Mark's declining mother.

Paul and I happily paid half her salary nonetheless, and Mark would always be the one asking us to chip in for more and more bonuses. We did. Over time, Mirta started doing more extra-receptionist stuff for us, and Mark was not as happy about the bonuses. Oh well.

Eventually, Mirta became our full time employee, and we grew close as friends, especially the final 11 months of my Mom's life, when Mirta was her most frequent visitor at Miami Jewish Home. Anyway, it was a great evening, ETOH free.

Yesterday D1 and Baby Man and Wifey came over -- in the rain! D1 was invited to Alyssa's parents -- Alyssa and Freddie were house and dog sitting -- and we were invited, too, but Wifey and I figured we'd stay with Baby Man instead. He was a delight. We put on "Milo and Otis," which his mother was obsessed with three and a half decades ago, and he kind of watched, as he played. 

I took him for a wagon walk before a rain band from pre Tropical Storm Debby came through, and he helped Wifey clean out some sticks from one of the beds -- I sent a pic and said he was learning the family business! 

I ordered DiNapoli, and he devoured some pizza and a meatball, like us, and D1 arrived and bathed him -- which he did NOT enjoy.

We FaceTimed with D2, who he calls Tia D2, who was home fighting a cold. But it was still a lovely day, and the ladies and Baby Man left before sunset, and it was already dark with the passing storm clouds.

I watched the Marlins beat the much better Braves, and went to sleep.

And now it's Sunday am, and I have a big mug of coffee as WDNA plays jazz on the Sonos, and the elderly, Special Needs Spaniel Bo sits on the couch behind me crunching his kibble and Publix chicken. We figured that since he's in his "golden years," we would make his meals more enjoyable, and indeed he scarfs down his food.

Oh -- forgot to mention that the new dog in town, Lemon, D1's skittish Cavalier, was over, too, and is warming up to the humans bit by bit. He's an adorable little skinny guy -- he got some Publix chicken, too.

I have to make a trip to the cemetery to sign the papers for the real estate we bought from artist Leah. Wifey bought me a great T shirt, from "Spamalot," which says "I'm Not Dead Yet." I will absolutely wear that over the the "parlor," as Herman Munster called his place of employment.

I figure for the huge fees we paid, I ought to be entitled to some more of my dark humor. We'll see how Kenny, the affable salesman, reacts.

After that, a stop at Walgreens, and maybe a breakfast at Crema, a new small chain place that opened in Sunniland, and is an immediate hit. They may be too packed, though -- and if so, I'll skip. Yeah -- I am become the old cranky guy who avoids crowds. I avoid a lot of stuff these days.

Joey and Little Man are having a blast in Colombia -- they have a park with zip lining! Tonight is their last sleep there, and they're do home tomorrow.

Little Man starts a week at a different camp -- the Beach JCC -- run by my old friend Paul. I already emailed him to give him warning of a 4.5 year old trouble maker on his way -- hopefully we get to see Paul when we fetch Little Man Friday.

So thankfully all is quiet around Villa Wifey -- as it ought to be. Debby flew past way to the West, and is set to become a minor hurricane as it hits the Florida Panhandle. Hopefully none of her relatives visit us this season.

It's hard to enjoy jazz on the Sonos and morning coffee without electricity.

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