Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Sloth Would Have Outrun Me Today

 So after a longer than average abridgement of my night's sleep, I fell back to slumber until after 9 am! For me, this is akin to sleeping until the afternoon. Wifey was up, on her phone, saying she was attempting to go back to sleep. Normally I would have dragged up, to let out the aging, Special Needs Spaniel, but today I made the ultimate request: would Wifey be the first downstairs? She was.

I got up soon after, and was, well, so tired. Tired like the Beatles White Album song. Dragging. Two cups of coffee didn't do much, and so I decided it would be a completely sloth-like day -- and had I raced said sloth, he would have handily won.

I played on the computer, checking finances and the news. I watched some TV. I took TWO naps -- one around noon, and the other later, as the US Basketball team was winning the Olympic Gold. 

Wifey was outside most of the day, cleaning up the prodigious number of branches that had fallen as the outer bands of pre Hurricane Debby passed by. Bo slept more than I did -- poor guy truly is an old man.

He only gets up when we force him to -- to go outside to pee and poop. But he happens to be, for that reason, a perfect nap companion.

I literally never went outside. Saturday's mail sits in the box -- nothing important, as I see online what will be delivered -- a USPS feature Wifey finds hilarious for my OCD nature. It can wait until tomorrow.

Wifey found a 1998 HBO movie she knew would drag me in -- Ray Liotta as Sinatra in "The Rat Pack." It was Eh -- I already knew the story well and in greater detail.

After that, Wifey looked for other movies -- she can watch them end to end, for hours straight. I can't -- and so I retired to the library for some WDNA jazz and more computer reading.

We fielded several adorable group photos from both Ds -- one hilarious one where D1 showed up at D2's house just as D2 was opening the front door and both Ds shrieked. D1's pup Lemon was being dropped off for the day as D1 and her men had plans -- and Lemon fit in very well with the enormous pup Betsy and Betsy's very large Retriever friend Bodie. 

Last evening was a delightful one. Wifey and I fetched Little Man from the Miami Beach JCC -- a facility that clearly has no business being in that very residential part of Pine Tree Drive. A heavily Hebrew accented guard has to keep the adjacent condo's driveways open as the carpool people wait -- he told me to "Push Back." I did -- fellow looked like he was former IDF.

We sat in the awful Miami Beach traffic as Little Man talked, until he passed out like someone threw a switch. When we arrived home, his neighbor friend Riley was waiting, and woke him -- there was fun to be had and Riley's birthday to celebrate.

Baby Man was adorable, and D2 and Betsy were there, and left when D1 and Joey returned from their 7 year anniversary stay cation. Jonathan stopped by, and Joey, Jonathan, and I had a drink, and then tried out Joey's new 4 hole putting green. I can see that feature being the scene of a lot of family fun going forward.

After some Mexican take in, Wifey drove us home, and I went to sleep one very cool, happy, Daddy in the USA.

I texted a note to my family as a Good Shabbos message: "We're all so fortunate -- don't let us, any of us, F it up." Not elegant language, but heartfelt.

Tomorrow we have a baby naming. Mike and Loni's grandson had his circumcision in the hospital, and their consuegros are hosting a get together for the naming. It's called for 11, and Wifey has already requested we "NOT GET THERE AT 11." I told her I would leave our house at 11 -- if she wished to go later, she could easily make the 10 minute drive on her own.

As I age, wisdom teaches me there are very few marital hills to die on -- and arrival times at parties, when one of us (me) is excited about seeing old friends while the other partner (Wifey) would rather not -- well -- sometimes you just go your own ways. We'll see.

But today -- well -- one of record laziness, and I enjoyed it. I don't wish to make this sloth a habit -- but once in awhile, it seems ok. Yawn...

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