Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Capybaras and Monkey Pox

 So D1 signed us, or most of us, up for a Capybara Encounter at Jungle Island. I have never been to Jungle Island, which was the attraction given to the family who used to own Parrot Jungle in Pinecrest, before the neighbors decided they didn't want noise from the weddings, and so taxed us all to make it a Village park.

Jungle Island has a nice banquet hall, and the Ds have attended proms there, I believe, but somehow I have never been. But D1 knows I dig capybaras. Who doesn't? They're among the friendliest critters in the world -- essentially 50-100 lb guinea pigs. In a few weeks we take Little Man -- Baby Man is too young, apparently.

The best part is that we had to sign a liability waiver, in case the docile rodents go rogue, I guess. D1 signed it for all of us.

Coincidentally, today, two friends, Jeff and Norman, reported their kids just bought expensive books to begin law school studies -- Jeff's girl at Northwestern in Chicago and Norman's boy at New York Law in Oklahoma. Ha. In NY!

My witty friends and I started riffing on law books, and Barry got in his usual dig at lawyers, wondering if "there are enough bus benches for all the new lawyers." I said a law degree can be helpful, like when you have to read and analyze a waiver for capybara injury.

Barry asked if there was a rider for Monkey Pox. I read the Times article -- now they call it MPox. The outbreak is in the Congo, still primarily among gay men there. I will definitely avoid any "Gay Sex With Congolese Men" encounters. Capybaras are cuter, anyway.

I somehow got in my three miles walking this am, despite the heat and humidity. I realize I walked 10-12 miles per day during the early months of the pandemic -- out of boredom and anxiety that the plague was going to kill my family. At the same time, I ate a lot less -- also from the plague fears. I lost probably 50lbs.

Unfortunately, as I realized Covid would likely NOT kill my family, my college boy-like appetite returned, along with those 50 lbs. 

I DO move -- a lot -- days I don't work out with my trainer, I walk at least those three miles, but need to eat better. Maybe the herbivorous capybaras will influence me positively. I'll find out in a few weeks.

Closer in time, D1 bought tickets for Little Man to see a live action Paw Patrol show up at the Broward Theater. Wifey and D2 were there on Monday when D1 told him -- he reacted with pure glee -- he was really going to meet, live action, the characters he loves on his IPad?

D1 and Joey are going, along with the two abuelas, Wifey and Jacqui. D2 and I are pressed into babysitting for the Baby Man while they're gone. It should be a chill Saturday, and I need to remember to replenish Joey's vodka stash, as last week, during cocktail hour, I polished off the last of the Zhyr vodka arm I bought last year.

Summer slouches along, though tomorrow is FDOS in Miami Dade -- First Day of School. I used to love that day -- taking the Ds to Leewood Elementary, and meeting their teachers. FDOS is like Opening Day in baseball -- no one has screwed up yet, and even the dunces haven't dunced.

This is Little Man's last year of preschool -- next August comes kindergarten.

FaceBook (tm) came up with a memory today -- my Dad and I, on Long Island, in our kitchen. I think I was about Little Man's age -- maybe a tad older. Sunrise, sunset. I sure wish I had my Dad around much longer -- but he lives on in Little Man, whose middle name is after my Dad.

I wonder if my Dad ever saw a capybara. Likely not. So each generation learns more...

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