Friday, December 3, 2021

Dog Hero

 So one of the nicest parts of D2 and Jonathan and Betsy, the enormous puppy, living with us has been the dog friendship between Betsy and Jagger. Jagger looks like a purebred Yellow Lab, but is half YL and half Golden Retriever, and he's one of those dogs so suffused with personality that the whole neighborhood loves him. Betsy as well.

The two romp together like wild stallions -- leaping and rolling and running together. The sight of it never ceases to make us all laugh, and Betsy, in mornings and evenings, struts up to Jagger's owners' front door, and if the humans are home, gets let out.

Well -- yesterday there was dog drama. Jonathan had Betsy, and Rod was with Jagger, but Jagger was wearing a new type of training collar. As the two rolled together, Betsy's teeth became entangled in the collar, choking her best friend.

Jonathan sprung into action. He was able, despite the twirling, more than 150 pounds combined of dog mass, to get the collar loose. But then, to his and Rod's horror, Jagger lay motionless on the ground, tongue out. He was totally unconscious.

Jonathan pumped on Jagger's chest, and blew into his mouth, and sure enough, Jagger came to. He came home and related the whole affair to D2. It was scary -- but thankfully Jagger is totally fine -- confirmed by a visit to his vet.

I told Jonathan that the Torah says that if one saves a single life, it is as if he saves the whole world. I assume the same applies for dogs Jagger's young owners came by with a nice bottle of wine to thank Jonathan -- with a message "From" Jagger -- with paw prints, and everything. Jonathan, D2, and I shared it last night -- a lovely red, from Napa.

So my son in law is a canine hero, and in my dog crazed family, therefore a hero to us.

Wifey said it's nice to know that if anything happened to HER, Jonathan would jump into action. Well...(insert mother in law joke here).

But horray for Jonathan. Jagger barks in approval.

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