Sunday, August 1, 2021

A Big Saturday

 So at 10 am, D2, Jonathan, and I met with Enrique, our fitness guru. We started seeing him again last weekend, and enjoy his true gift: making the misery of a serious workout seem not miserable. Of course, he was harder on the millennials than on me, but I came out sweating hard and a bit sore. Oh, that eating cheeseburgers made you healthy...

We fetched lunch on the way home, and were greeted by D1 and the beautiful boy. He toddled around the house, avoiding the charges of the enormous puppy, and it was just a delightful visit. He and D1 left, and soon after Jonathan did, too, to have some family time with his visiting siblings and adorable baby niece.

D2 said she needed to walk the huge puppy, and I tagged along, and no sooner were we on the street than we heard a voice from a car: "Hey -- it's me, Marie!" Our former neighbor and D2's friend was back from DC, and showing her girlfriend her old 'hood. We invited them to walk with us, and it was a delightful reunion -- followed by some rehydration in our house where Wifey got to say hello, too.

D2 and Marie talked about childhood times -- especially their silly fathers, Pat and me, and how when we drank together we somehow decided to sing the melancholy and long Eagles tune "Desperado."

Marie and her lady left, and we scrambled to get ready for the wedding. I literally struggled with the damned tux shirt studs -- what an absurdity. Buttons and zippers work perfectly fine -- why would any modern person decided the way to go was a contraption where you had to manipulate metal pieces through unforgiving buttonholes? After a full 20 minutes, I succeeded. I sad later I'd have preferred a tooth removal.

We got into the SUV and headed to D1's -- she was coming with us -- Joey would join later after the grandson was put to bed. Jonathan Ubered over from his parents' house -- his brother and sister in law were, by coincidence, staying in the Turnberry Hotel where the wedding was.

I was to officiate. Jonathan was to translate into Spanish, for a video to be sent to Patricia's family back in Peru. We fortified ourselves with a few drinks at the bar -- vodka for me, tequilla for Jonathan, and soon we were led into a beautiful private room at Bourbon Steak.

My man came in -- looking dapper as always. And then his bride joined us under the chuppah -- looking, truly, like a movie star. Paul beamed. He should. As we readied to begin, I heard Eric Clapton's lyrics from "Wonderful Tonight" playing in my head -- the one about how everyone stops to see the beautiful lady walking around with him...

The ceremony went well. Jonathan acquitted himself wonderfully -- United Nations quality translation. Paul broke the glass. The party was on.

We caught up with old friends and family, and ate delicious steaks. Dessert was a chocolate souffle. Wine flowed. Vodka, too, but when I realized Wifey had pounded 3 glasses of champagne, I cut myself off early so as to be able to drive home.

Jonathan's brother, sister in law, and two sisters were at the bar outside. Paul invited them to join us. My dear friend Norman's niece was outside with her sorority pledge class from UF -- a few years ahead of D1's. Stephanie and D1 chatted happily and quickly. My taciturn son in law Joey watched in amazement -- did someone actually talk faster than D1?

The wedding wound down. D1 and Joey and Wifey and I called for the cars -- D2 and Jonathan would Uber home -- they were enjoying a nice after party at the bar.

The wait for the car was long, which worked out well -- I got a call from D2 -- they were indeed tired, and would come home with us. Jonathan walked up to our car, and asked if we were the Uber. We were.

D2 and Wifey talked about who wore what. Jonathan and I sat in the front as I drove home, mostly just enjoying opening our awful tux shirts. I really, really, don't like wearing a tuxedo.

So my brother Paul begins a wonderful new stage of his life today. We were all privileged to be a part of the joy.

Hopefully the Delta variant leaves us all alone -- I plan to get a Covid test Wednesday, just to be safe. And life will go on.

It's great to have days like yesterday.

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