Saturday, July 10, 2021

"The Man Hanging Off the Cliff," by Willie Makeit

 Ah , peaceful Saturday morning. Next Sunday I turn the big 6-oh. It appears the Big Man will get me there and let me see that fine milestone in life.

But events over the past months teach one can NEVER take that for granted. Wifey's health crisis, the sudden death of our dear friend Elizabeth, a new terrible, terminal diagnosis for my brother Paul's best friend, a damn condo collapsing, killing 140 less than 20 miles from here. Oh yeah -- the worldwide plague, too. In a NY minute, everything can change.

Wifey and the Ds wish me to let up on the Debbie Downer stuff, and they're right. But I know it's just my whistling past the graveyard, as the terrific cliche says. I guess I ought to just whistle to myself.

On Monday, we'll welcome house guests: D2, Jonathan, and the enormous puppy. Their new house in the Grove is still "close to finished," and their extensions from their landlord in Yacht Harbor have ended. They hired a pod company to schlep their stuff to a pod, which will be stored, probably out in Medley or somewhere, awaiting delivery to Coconut Avenue.

In the meantime, we'll welcome them here. At first, I was trying to figure out their separate sleeping arrangements, but then I recalled they've been married nearly 2 years. They'll take D2' s old bedroom, which has a queen sized bed, and Betsy sleeps on the floor beside them.

On Eric and Dana's Zoom last night, I shared that the only thing I require will be Jonathan joining me in evening cocktails every few evenings after he returns from his day of high finance. Dana's brother Steve remarked "Wow Dave - you run a tight ship!"

I'm really looking forward to having them. D2 will be working daily -- I think from the quieter library than the dining room where she HAS been working here every second Thursday. Betsy can work wherever she chooses.

The beautiful grandson has been enjoying his summer -- camp and swimming and soccer lessons with his friend Tomas. Wifey watched one on Thursday -- soccer lesson -- and sent a video of him and his signature happy yell "G-yay!" Best we can figure, it's a combination of "Yay" and "goal!," which he hears when he watches soccer with Joey.

D1 sent an adorable photo of him at breakfast the other day -- serious face. I thought the caption was "I was told there would be pancakes," but when I sent the photo to my Friday night group, Kenny instantly saw the correct caption was "This one time, Kay, I'll let you ask me about my affairs." Kenny always gets the right answer.

So the plans are in for a terrific rest of summer. Next Friday we're checking into the RC on Key Biscayne with a few fellow birthday celebrators, and Sunday night I have plans for dinner with the Ds and their men. Two weeks after that, a dear friend is getting married, up in Aventura, and I have been asked to perform the ceremony -- dusting off my old notary stamp. I think I have married 20 couples now -- it's a delightful task. And following the latest, there'll be a delicious steak and martinis awaiting, along with folks I haven't seen in awhile.

In August, we're set for 3 nights in a "Full Squad" trip to Ocean Reef, a very exclusive resort open only to members, many of whom are mega wealthy Midwesterners. But D1 has them as a client, and so we riff raff are allowed in. That will be a nice getaway -- with hopefully my nephew of another mister house and dog sitting -- for FOUR dogs!

Joelle and Kenny have invited us to their beautiful Maine house in September, and I think we'll take them up on it. In Spring, I truly doubted Wifey was up for that kind of excursion, but thankfully she has recovered spectacularly, and it would be terrific to get a taste of Fall -- especially with dear friends at their lake house -- a scene reminiscent of "On Golden Pond," but with younger actors!

So as I listen to the passing morning thunderstorm this fine July morning, I feel as I always do: I am one VERY lucky and blessed Daddy and GRandaddy in the USA. And I plan to celebrate and honor the Big Man accordingly.

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