Friday, July 2, 2021

South Central -- Represent!

 So I grew up in Wantagh, a hamlet of the Town of Hempstead on Long Island. It's in the south, central part of Nassau County, so I've taken to telling people I'm from "South Central" for street cred.

Actually, the part of Wantagh where I lived, not on the water, is very working class. My friend Joel calls me the "blue collar Jew," in contrast to most of his Miami Jewish friends who grew up far richer in Pinecrest (then just East Kendall) and Coral Gables.

Yesterday we watched the indictment of Trump's CFO Allen Weiselberg. Wifey thought he looked like a Central Casting character for a nerdy Jewish accountant, and so Googled him. Sure enough, he was Brooklyn born, and drove a cab in Canarsie, where Wifey grew up, while he put himself through Pace College for his accounting degree. He went to work for Fred Trump, and met The Donald, and became The Donald's financial consigliere. Now Cy Vance, Junior, is after him and all the Trumps.

And , it turns out, Weisselberg moved to Wantagh in 1978, the year before we decamped to Florida. I didn't know him, but he apparently bought a modest house, probably like ours, and lived there until 2004. Trump came over for a shiva call and got out of his limo and exclaimed "My CFO lives here? This is embarrassing!" Yes -- a real man of the people that Trump was.

Shortly after, the CFO moved to a Trump condo on the Upper West Side, so I guess his boss was less embarrassed. He also bought a condo in Boynton Beach.

Wifey learned he was also a Democrat until 2016 -- gave money to Chuck Schumer. It just shows what saps Trump supporters are -- truly they thought he cared a lick about them. He didn't.

So Wantagh is in the news. Not much famous happened there. 

Meanwhile, tonight is a milestone. I am missing my Zoom happy hour with my buds for the first time since the plague began. We want to celebrate Jonathan's birthday, which was Wednesday, and planned to get together tomorrow, but his family is having a service for his missing cousin at their local synagogue. So, instead, D2 and Jonathan asked if I might miss a Zoom and have drinks and dinner with them instead. 

Of course, I said. And, I already put my Publix meat loaf in the oven to cook -- I'll eat it over the weekend.

I emailed my crew, and Scott replied that it was a true sign that Covid was ending. Indeed. 

In other news, Tropical Storm Elsa is floating around -- looks like it'll miss us. It'd be great if we "let it go." I never saw "Frozen" but know that song!

I still live in South Central -- now South Central Pinecrest. So I guess I get to keep the street cred. Actually, people have started using the term "North Pinecrest" -- the richer part of town. Houses in our area go from $1-$3 million -- in the North part of the Village, they're more.

Tomorrow night we'll be in one of those stately mansions. Chris, Mike and Loni's boy, is marrying Rachel, whose parents live in, apparently, a $4M house. We're invited to their engagement party.

Rachel is NOT from South Central.

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