Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Jab Chaos

 So a few months ago, Dr. Barry learned that in Europe, they don't call vaccinations "shots," but rather, "jabs." Of course, the word is far more accurate. Shot conjures up a gun incident, or a quick drink of alcohol. Jab is much more like what it is -- so I have started and will always use that term.

And what a cluster Covid jabs have become! Some sites do those above 75, some above 65, and some any age with a host of co-morbidities. Fortunately for Wifey and me, at least at Baptist Health, that includes a Body Mass Index we both, even with my weight loss, exceed. And so we have appointments for January 20 and 28 -- I sort of lucked into them by navigating the quickly closing web page ass-backwards.

Meanwhile, D1 qualified as a health care provider, but drove to Hard Rock last week. The wait was 5 hours, and she had to fetch her boy, and so left. She has another try today at a clinic in Little Haiti, pretty close to her house. She's prepared to wait it out this time, with a fully charged IPad and a cursory ability in French, to chat with fellow line waiters...

On the other hand, Israel reports today they'll be all vaccinated by March. Of course, they're a much tinier country, but the real answer is their great health care system, which is fully electronic. When you live there, you have a choice between, I think, 6 HMOs, and people love them. Each year less than 1% of the people switch. I'm proud of them -- I wish we could do things that way here.

The guru, Dr. Fauci, said today he hopes by Fall there's a return to somewhat normal. That might strike out my plans for my 60th birthday in Key West. Oh well -- it should be the biggest disappointment.

My neighbor Allison and I chatted today. She got appointments for her jabs at the Miami Cancer Center. Apparently they reached out to all of their patients and invited them in. Allison thinks hers was a mistake -- she DID have surgery there last year, but was cancer free. Still, she ain't turning down the chance to join the jabbed club -- nor should she.

I'm thrilled many of my close friends, the doctors and over 70 set, have gotten their jabs. I hope they don't end up with any survivor guilt if we don't make it. Ha!

Another neighbor, who I'll call Alex, since that's his name, left his job as an academic doc, for a purely administrative job up North. Still, he made the list -- crowed on FB about getting his second shot. The wise ass in me noted I now feel safer when he jogs past me on his thrice daily runs. He really has a great job.

The best meme remains that when this is all over, we'll all get together and laugh about it. Well -- not ALL of us...

Today is Tuesday, and I've already walked 9.5 miles. Wifey's going to meet her Mom at the Palace -- I think my 96 year old suegra is getting her jab this week. 

My job is to wait for the Publix InstaCart (tm) delivery and put it all away. Afterwards -- maybe some MORE walking -- possibly today will be a 13 mile day.

Stupidly applied rules demand smart people find ways around them. I see that happening with the jabs. We'll see...

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