Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fresno News

 So Wifey and I were watching some documentary last night, around 9:30 p.m., usually past my bed time, and my phone rang -- my California sister. I immediately thought something must be wrong -- it was a bit late for one of her calls.

She was breathless. "Do you know what just happened?" I did not -- but thought maybe while we were off live TV the morons had stormed the Capitol again. Nope -- "I just saw D1 on my local TV!"

What? Our daughter is indeed on TV a lot, but typically local -- and local in South Florida, certainly not the San Joaquin Valley. Wifey texted her. Sure enough, one of her OBs had relocated to Fresno, and was being interviewed about nursing mothers who were getting the Covid vaccine. The doc suggested the Fresno reporter interview D1, and they did -- I guess by Zoom -- and sure enough, there was our Miami daughter on California's Central Valley local TV. Truly, truly, a small world.

Meanwhile, we had a plan change, which is typically no big deal, but in times of plague, EVERYTHING seems a big deal. Our housekeeper was coming, and we usually decamp to one of the Ds' places. So I called. Jonathan had been on a plane to Tampa, and so D2 really didn't want her elderly, more Covid scary parents, coming to her place. And D1 and Joey and the beautiful grandson were in quarantine -- one of the staff members at the preschool tested positive, and so they're off limits for awhile.

But D2, logical and calm, reminded me we DO have a pretty big house -- maybe Miriam could just be asked to stay out of a few areas. So, sure enough, as I heard her car coming up the gravel driveway, I slinked out the garage, and began a 2.5 hour walk, catching up on some phone calls.

When I returned, I went up to the Football Watching Room and watched Impeachment hearings for a few hours. Wifey and the dogs were in the library. It was a Covid friendly situation -- we got through just fine.

At 4:30, Kenny came by, and we walked some more. He's had his second jab, and his wife Joelle got her first the day before. He's feeling less anxious than before, but now must schlep to Boynton Beach to fetch his parents to bring them to Baptist for their shots. Turns out Palm Beach County is the worst -- I'm guessing because most of the people there are seniors clamoring for their jabs.

Another couple I'll call J and L, since that's their initials, got their jabs. Their daughter signed up the 59 and 60 year olds, they went to Tropical Park, and got the vaccines -- no checking of IDs.

I joked with Dr. Barry on text that our wives were now the only 60 somethings in our group not yet vaccinated. Hopefully his health system will remedy that soon. The good news is, Wifey and Donna seem less uptight about the whole thing than most people.

For now, our appointments are the 22 and 28th -- so hopefully we get the juice in and working soon.

Little will change -- I have zero travel plans, and surely no need to even go back to the office yet -- but I know there'll be comfort in knowing we're 50% safe after the first jab and 95% safe after the second.

So -- today I have my second visit to the hair salon since Covid. My first haircut was a very serviceable job by my son in law Joey. Thereafter, Dania came to our house a few times. In early December I finally visited her shop -- very distanced, and good protocols. Still, I requested the first daily appointment, and I had to wait until today, so I'm clearly back in 60s Bob Dylan hair range, though he wasn't gray then, like I am now.

Uh. Haircuts and vaccines. This is what I talk about lately. Oh yeah -- politics, too.

And then, surprisingly, we get to discuss local news in Fresno...

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