Thursday, January 7, 2021

Another Date Which Will Live in Infamy

 January 6, 2021 joins December 7, 1941, and in many ways, yesterday was worse. My parents' era Day was an attack by a hostile nation bent on destroying us from the outside. Yesterday's came from within. I was, like any of my intelligent friends, sickened.

I have a friend I'll call Rob, since that's his name, a featherheaded Trump supporter. Sure enough, on a friend's FB page, he noted that had yesterday's coup attempters not been Republican, they would have "looted and burned" the whole city. As if what they did, attempt to stop our democracy based on the love of a dictator, was no big deal.

Rob's ex girlfriend, now living in Colorado, is educated and informed. I messaged her -- how could she have lived with him? She responded that politics never came up, and when it did, she realized how stupid he was. He never read a single book -- just parroted back what he saw on Fox News and similar channels. He was, as she said, willfully ignorant.

We can no longer afford that. Yesterday showed how thin the line is between civility and anarchy. I guess an investigation later will discover why the D.C. police, knowing the monkeys were planning a Trump fueled rally, had all the force of a hired mall cop -- as opposed to the times they were prepared. Amazingly, only one idiot, a female protestor, was killed as she attempted to break through a door. I have zero sympathy for her -- but I'm sure she'll end up the vaunted martyr of the idiots.

Dr. Barry and I always get a kick out of NY Senator Schumer. He looks and talks more like the guy behind the counter of the deli than a US Senator. Turns out -- he's very smart and extremely well educated (2 Harvard degrees) but just chooses the Ed Koch-like, B and T style folksy demeanor. That's ok -- he's the one who identified yesterday as the second Day of Infamy. He was dead on.

I guess the only glimmer of hope is that Trump truly turned the government Blue. In Georgia, a Black man and a young Jewish man defeated two white, Christian, incumbents. Unbelievable. The Georgia GOP, at least, now realizes the deal they made with the Trump devil has kicked them out of power. May it be so with the rest of the country as well.

It won't. I just read that one of the protestors, really domestic terrorists, was a West Virginia state legislator. He flowed in with his fellow slime, and took selfies of himself in the Hall of Statues, saying "Patriot in the House, Baby!" He posted this on FaceBook, before taking it down, I guess realizing he was showing clear evidence of his committing a federal felony. I just really hope his state kicks him out of the legislature and sends him to prison. If they don't, they send the message that sedition is fine.

I voted for an old, years past her prime, former UM president to be my US Representative. She lost -- to a Spanish TV reporter who is much prettier but totally inexperienced and probably corrupt, too (she sponsored the Trump pardon of my convicted drug felon neighbor).

I accepted that my choice lost. I didn't go around shouting "Not MY Representative" or gin up baseless conspiracy theories about how Salazar "stole the election" from Shalala. And that's because there was no evidence that's the truth.

I can't believe the country we're leaving for my grandson. I hope it turns around. We defeated the Japanese and their axis of evil partner Nazi Germany. They're now strong allies of the US -- I'd probably only own a Japanese or German car!

I fear defeating this latest source of Infamy will be far more difficult. You can keep an outside enemy at bay. When the cops call the babysitter and say they've traced the call and the psycopath is INSIDE THE HOUSE -- well, we know what happens then.

In the meantime, I have committed to no longer lighthearted "Well, I guess you just have different views" with friends who in any way, shape, or form support Trump and what he's tried to do to us. We simply cannot afford it if we're to survive as a nation of freedom.

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