Tuesday, October 15, 2019

El Solo Toro

So we were off early this am to MIA, to take Wifey there for a flight to ATL. I always get to the airport far too early, much to the humorous groans of Wifey. She has a picture of me at FLL at a JetBlue gate, where I am the only one sitting there. In my defense, I rarely travel out of FLL, and I gave myself too much time to get there.

But the point is, when I am not the one flying, I am a passive driver. Wifey's flight was due to board around 10, and she decided we ought to leave around 8 am. We did, and typically the ride to MIA is about 30 minutes, but this am three lanes of the Palmetto were blocked, and we found ourselves sitting in traffic, barely moving. Fortunately WAZE came to the rescue, and took us through West Miami, Schenley Park, the Gables, and finally, to MIA. The trip took over an hour, but Wifey made her flight.

I then had a fine workout, and then had more schlepping to do. D2 and Jonathan's temporary tag expires today, and the dealership told them "not to worry" - they could get the permanent tag in a few days. Well, the DID worry, since they didn't wish to be pulled over and ticketed, and so I drove to the Miami Lakes dealership for another temporary tag. At first they were reluctant, as indeed the tag was due in late tonight, but I charmed my way to the sought after paper -- and I made new friends with a salesman who admired my white hair and thought I was related to Bill Clinton. He LOVED Clinton: "Man was more black than Obama." I agreed that I dug Clinton as well...

So Wifey made it to ATL, where she will enjoy some cooler weather with her BFF Edna, and then will be joined by Elizabeth, flying in from Orlando.

And I shall be the lonely bull -- El Solo Toro.

I enjoy temporary bachelorhood.  Tonight I will pull my signature move: dinner at the bar at Shula's, with a nice martini, watching Sports Center.

Friday night I'll have dinner with D1 and Joey, and Saturday the Canes play -- at noon. Sunday I may drive to the Redlands and treat myself to some new tropical fish for the pond.

Before I know it, I'll be shuttling to MIA again, to fetch Wifey.  It makes me happy to know how happy she'll be with her buddies...

And the best time of the year in Miami is nearly here. I heard the first cool front is due in. I just reserved some tickets for the great Book Fair in November -- always a favorite. D1 wants to see Dave Barry and Carl Hiassen, and I got tickets to see Debbie Harry, the 70s and 80s rocker who just wrote a best selling autobiography. I used to love her group, Blondie.

D1's birthday is the day before Thanksgiving, and we'll be hosting this year -- all of the son in law and future son in law's families.

And soon after the BIG holiday in December, a holiday that people the world over celebrate by putting up lights, decorating trees, and singing special songs -- all on December 25th. I'm talking, of course, about Wifey's birthday.

Yes -- I am a rather happy solo toro.  It's nice to play Hall and Oates' "She's Gone," and know it's only for a week or so.

Now -- I have a temporary tag to deliver...

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