Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Passage of Time

So for years we shared space with and worked with a lawyer I'll call Brian, since that's his name.  We all really dug him -- he and his wife had three sons, and the Ds would babysit them. The youngest was an adorable little boy who once did something that has become part of my family's lore.

His Dad found him eating an entire box of cookies. He was 4. Brian said "You can't just take cookies, you have to ask a grownup." The little man responded "I DID ask someone. I asked MYSELF, and I said YES."  We all love that tale.

Anyway, Brian was doing well, but his wife was a bit unhappy. She wanted to be more of a big fish in her community, and so decided the family should move to Orlando, where a lawyer's salary means a lot more than here. So they did -- and several years later, she and Brian separated.  He taught us a lesson about living to please your spouse -- sometimes you have to take a stand...

Well, yesterday I caught up with Brian -- I referred him a case. His oldest, who I remember as a late elementary school kid, graduated from high school He excelled there, and got into Duke. He also got into the U, with a very healthy scholarship. Since there are two more kids to educate after the first born, he chose the U, and is moving here in August.

Brian is very proud. He went to college in Boston, and UF Law, but is a dedicated Canes fan. I told him to give his boy my contact info -- Big Man forbid he needs help, we live just 10 minutes from campus.

The middle boy is starting 11th grade. That was also a mindblower -- he was also a small boy last I saw him. And the adorable baby son? He's going into Middle School.

Time keeps flowing like a river. I was reminded of this last night -- Norman and Deb gathered with Edna and Marc and Wifey and I at the Rusty Pelican to celebrate Edna and Marc's 16th anniversary. The three couples took a Maritimes cruise three Falls ago, and a highlight for Norman and me was the tall pianist, who played the great Alan Parsons Project tune for us over and over.

We tried to sit outside last night, as there was a nice breeze blowing, but there was also, in contravention of local law, cigar smoking permitted, and next to our table a group of guys fired away. We didn't care for tobacco flavored fish, and so retreated indoors.

It was a fine time -- catching up, and comparing empty nester notes. Edna and Marc are thinking it may be time to realize a dream Edna has had since 1980, of moving to South Florida. They're going to check out Jupiter homes today -- much better value than our absurdly high priced 305, and Marc needs a lot of house space for his many hobbies...

I went with the shoe approach with my martinis -- one isn't enough, and you probably don't need more than two -- and Wifey drove home.  I'm usually the driver, and last night I was able to admire the absurdly gorgeous view coming over the Rickenbacker Causeway - I was able to get a phone photo of the skyline, all aglow in neon.  We truly live in the most beautiful city there is.

So time keeps flowing...and also, another song reference from a UK singer springs to mind -- time passages. That's Al Stewart.

It's nice to flow through it...

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