Saturday, June 29, 2019

Extended Stay

So D2 found out our family friend jewelry store was having a moving sale -- they're clearing out inventory before temporarily relocating while their showroom is refinished. Based on that -- she extended her stay for another day.

She claims that wasn't the reason -- her man had a job interview Friday, and he would be preparing for it Thursday, and she wanted more time with her family...hmmm.

In any event, on Thursday she and Wifey dropped me at the office and went to visit D1, and then went to the sale, where apparently some critical jewelry was purchased. Afterwards, they came to Brickell, where Dr. Barry was already visiting, and we toasted the new digs, along with Stuart, who was preparing for a depo the next day.

Joel was there with his new subtenants, who are real estate developers, and very colorful characters. We had a nice time.

Since I had a few, and we had talked about the Salt Bae place, I walked Wifey, Barry, and D2 across the street, but mercifully, they had a long wait. I say mercifully since it was the most expensive restaurant I had ever been in -- Stuart paid. Instead, we walked a few blocks north to our go to sushi/Thai place, and had a great dinner and talk.

Yesterday am I made D2 her final Nespresso, and we were off to MIA. She had an on time and uneventful return to NYC. He plane was packed with attendees for Sunday's World Pride Parade -- they're expecting 5 million LGBTQWXYZ people in Greenwich Village -- it's the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. I added the WXYZ initials in anticipation of newly discovered variants of LGBTQ people -- I want to anticipate future inclusion...

I went back to the office and looked through some files, and then Joel asked me to "take a meeting" with him. I wasn't aware we had moved to Hollywood.  The meeting was an old high school friend of his now working as a sales woman for a national court reporting company, owned by the son of a current US Supreme Court Justice. The son was in town from his San Francisco headquarters.

He doesn't like to advertise his connection to the Supreme Court, and asked Joel not to mention that his father is Stephen Breyer. So we agreed to keep that in house.

I told Joel's friend that Bill, Stu's Dad, is in charge of paying court reporters, and she ought to follow up with him next week, and I was very sure that an 84 year old man who was used to the same court reporting company for the 22 years he worked with his son would happily change companies because the saleswoman was an old friend of a co tenant. In other words -- it ain't happening. Unless they can arrange a private tour of the Supreme Court...

Sunday is Jonathan's birthday, and things worked out well. I had bid on a room at the NYC Ritz, and D2 and Jonathan will decamp there to escape the crushing (but creatively dressed) hordes of Pride celebrants.

Wifey and I plan to exercise our license to chill.

We miss D2 already, but as she told the sad looking Spaniel Bo -- she'll be back in only 5 and a half weeks -- her friend Catherine's bachelorette party is in Key West, and D2 will be stopping here on the way there and back.

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