Thursday, October 4, 2018

Getting Fit to Get Fit

For those who don't exercise, which describes me most of the time, few topics are as insufferable as the exercise habits and routines of others. So today I shall describe my situation.

In the Spring, the Ds had an intervention with Wifey and me. They tearfully begged us to get in shape, and reminded us that round was not the correct shape. They knew well how my beloved Dad died at 63, and wanted to avoid that. I felt like Sally Field at the Oscars: they really, really LIKE me.

The message resonated with me. I joined a gym. Wifey is refractory. She's so afraid of her bad back rearing its ugly head, that she hasn't succumbed to the intervention.

So I joined, and Enrique has become my guru. I really dig him -- he's a quiet but smart young guy. He lets me talk a lot, but always leads me back to the routine. 

Today, we realized I was nearing the end of the first phase: I was nearly fit to get fit. That is, I can handle a full, strenuous workout -- both cardio and strength. I have walked up the equivalent of 100 flights of stairs. I did 30 real pushups. I sweat like the proverbial pig, and don't run away from it.

I tried running on the treadmill, but that led to a lot of knee pain. So no more running for this still 50 lbs too heavy 57 year old. We stick to fast walking and bike.  I plan to start swimming soon, too -- might as well use the long pool the house's builder designed for laps. The dogs enjoy the company outside.

So I plan to keep it up.  I notice that even walking around Brickell, I'm not winded like I used to be. When I park kind of far from the tailgate party, I don't sigh and curse like I would have last year -- I just hoof it more.

As the weather cools, I'll power walk more around my 'hood -- and maybe bike, too. D2 is coming for Thanksgiving -- last year we spent a beautiful day riding to Deering Estate, drinking coffee at the nearby Starbucks, and figuring out life. I want to do that again.

So I plan to continue sweating, for now. There's lots to savor in this life -- might as well try to stick around as long as I can...

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