Friday, October 12, 2018

Fellow Exes

So we had some business with a lawyer I'll call Rey, since that's his name, and had a long talk with him the other afternoon. Rey is a fellow ex with Fredo, the former friend who left us and is engaged in attempting to screw us out of money.

I really, really, really (that's 3 reallys) should have talked to Rey before inviting Fredo into our operation. Rey's wife, who I'll call Kim, since that's her name, met Fredo on some Bar business, around the time Kim and Rey were forming their firm. They had heard that Fredo had a bad breakup from a former partner named Ted, but chalked it up to the usual drama surrounding law firm divorces. They invited Fredo in as a full partner.

Months passed. Fredo was always present and charming, but did little actual work. At six months, Rey's office manager urged Rey to fire Fredo. Rey protested -- poor guy's wife was dying -- give him more time. They did, and still no work.

At the year mark, the manager was adamant -- Fredo was taking salary and doing no work. He demanded Rey and Kim fire the bum. Fredo was near tears -- no, please, he pleaded -- let me stay until I find a new spot. Against his better sense, Rey agreed -- four months, but, of course, no more salary.

Fredo left in three, taking some cases which Rey agreed to be paid on later. And then -- Rey and Kim got SUED by Fredo. He came up with a bullshit case -- Rey and Kim MADE Fredo stay at the firm without paying him! Rey felt murderous, but listened to his mentor Arno, who advised to just let Fredo go -- Rey and Kim were too busy building up their firm. Fredo had sued as an offensive tactic to Rey would simply let him keep about $35K in fees. It worked.

I told Rey Fredo was a crappy fraudster -- he was broke ass -- owed on his mortgage, and Amex sued him for $85K. Rey said Fredo was dead to him. He saw him in a local restaurant, Captain's Tavern, and had to change seats -- lest the sight of Fredo cause him nausea.

Rey also spoke to Ted -- same story. Fredo screwed him, too.

So the lesson is, of course, to always vet business associates -- even though you think you know them. Rey and Kim were burned. Ted was burned. Curtis, the boss after Rey, was burned. So we're the latest victims of this POS.

His current boss, who I call Better Call Saul, since his firm apes that great, sleazy character, is next.

As John Lennon said when asked if he wanted revenge against the jerks who hurt him -- "Nah -- time wounds all heels."  And so it will be with Fredo...

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