Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Green Team Keeps Winning

For years, when we'd go to lunch during the business day, my partner Paul would always look at the TV, and see whether the stock market was up or down.  Of course, the down graphics would show red, while the rising markets would show green.  If the day was an uptick, he'd happily say "The green team is winning."

I paid far less attention back then.  We were making very nice money, and though I had some investments, I figured they'd take care of themselves.  I learned a harsh lesson when I first hired a "money manager" in about '00 or '01.  I had a chunk of money, and Paul suggested I give it to "professionals" to handle.

I decided to go with Northern Trust -- they seemed the very essence of conservative, WASPy investment banking.  At the time, they were on a marketing blitz to bring in clients of a certain level.  I bit.  Wifey and I met with the manager, who I'll call Diane Dansky, since that was her name, and were impressed.  They took us to their skybox at the AAA.  They had sponsored lunches with local academics.

And my money grew for several months -- like 5% each month.  I was happy, I stopped looking at the statements.  And then the tech crash came.  I looked.  My account value was one half what it had been.  I sat down with Diane, and learned the harsh truth -- she had over 500 clients, and really didn't "manage" the accounts at all -- just bought and hold, like I could have done without paying the substantial yearly cost.

I closed the account, and actually thought about suing them, but then figured if my clients learned that I was careless with my own money, could I really be trusted to advise them about settlements and such.

So the experience taught me I'd better damn well watch investments, and closely.  I have ever since.

The election of The Donald is, to me, the greatest national embarrassment of my adult life.  I don't blame him at all -- he's a fake populist huckster, who took advantage of a highly flawed opponent, and won.  And the GOP Congress will, today, pass sweeping "tax reform" that all real experts agree is a future disaster for the country.

But -- for me -- there's been a huge upside -- enormous gains in the stock market.  I've been harvesting some, and just watching the continued rise.

Comedian Dave Chappelle had a similar take, when his liberal friends asked whether he was moving to Canada, following Trump's election. "Nah -- I figure I'll stick around and see how these tax cuts work out for me."

Our voters were stupid enough to vote against most of their self interests, to help the rich get richer.  Who am I to disagree?

So for now, I enjoy the anti Trump FaceBook (tm) screeds.  I refrain from them.  He, too, shall pass.

But at least for now, it's nice to see the Green Team keep winning.

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