Monday, January 23, 2017

Bustin' Balls

So Wifey and I were just sitting around Saturday afternoon -- planning to do something, but somehow succumbing to the inertia with living in a house we both love to be in.  Wifey says she wants to move, but admits she loves it where we are -- big lot where she has taken to spending hours outside, cleaning the many garden beds.  I got a text from my friend inviting me to a bachelor party for a young member of his company -- turns out they have a tradition of throwing these things whenever a member gets married.  I asked Wifey if she wanted to do anything -- her answer was to see a movie -- I typically can't stand movies anymore -- and so I decided to go.

The groom to be used to work with a young fellow I know well -- as did several of the group's participants.  The events of the evening are not important -- except for one -- we rode to our destinations in a big limo-type bus.  And that was by far my favorite part.

The younger fellows all knew each other well, and my buddy and I were the elder statesmen -- not quite old enough to be these guys' fathers, but close.

One of the participants was former military, then a lawyer, and now an entrepreneur -- he was also hilarious, as he mercilessly made fun of the future groom for "outkicking his coverage" or, marrying above his station.

The rest of the trip, both there and back, was more of the same -- the return trip even funnier due to the social lubricating effects of alcohol.

We were an ethnically diverse group -- a couple of Irish guys, a Southern Californian Mexican American, and a few American Jews -- and we all bonded over shared inability to truly understand women -- and not for lack of trying.

The proteges looked to me for some answers -- married nearly 30 years -- and I was only able to offer the advice of hanging in there.

I was dropped off during the wee small hours of the morning.  I figured this was good practice for D1's wedding -- 7 months off, but scheduled to be an all night affair.

Ah -- guys hanging together, busting balls, like my favorite parts of The was a fine way to spend an evening...

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