Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weekend of Eating

So first there was a big dinner at D2's boyfriend's house on Friday night, and then yesterday a huge breakfast at Bagel Emporium. Last night, we met old friend Diane at Shula's 347, where Diane and I had the , well, hen. It was funny because the young waitress pronounced its French name like, well, the name for a cat or slang for a woman's anatomical part. After my 2 cocktails, it was even funnier... Following dinner, we ambled over to Whip 'N Dip for ice cream. The Ds were along, since they think Diane is the coolest of Wifey's friends... Tonight Wifey and I are meeting Dr. Lew and Maria at the appropriately named restaurant Swine. It's a place in the Gables opened by the young restauranteur who made it big when he sold the Lime Mexican chain, and decided to go upscale. First he opened Yardbird, on Miami Beach, which has the best fried chicken ever. Now swine has all kinds of non kosher stuff. Fortunately, to keep healthy, I accompanied all this eating by prodigious amounts of nap time. Can't evercise on such a full stomach --you can get indigestion. Starting tomorrow I'll cut things down a bit --ho no, wait --I won't. D2 is taking the GRE for grad school, and D1 suggested we celebrate by having dinner together. Ain't no one going hungry around here...

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