Friday, February 15, 2008


So D2 had a bit of a panic attack last night. She's been keeping nearly straight A grades, in a tough curriculum, and has hit a rough patch. Chemistry and Math are getting to her, at the same time the class she loves, European History, is ramping up.

Amazingly, I still remember my Chemistry from college, and I tried to help her. We went over molecular bonding last night, and I set my alarm for 5 this am to go over it some more. She's convinced she's going to fail this major exam, and left for school saying "I guess it's going to be Miami Dade College for me." She was very, very sad.

When you're 16 and striving to do well in school, it seems that there's nothing more important. Of course, through the wisdom of years, there is...

I read all about the latest horror on a college campus, this time in Illinois. Details are still emerging, but apparently a graduate student from IU went to Northern Illinois U, shot and killed 6 undergraduates in a lecture hall, wounded 20 more, and then killed himself.

Of course, I can guarantee that none of the family members of the victims care a whit about their loved ones' grades.

As the wicked witch said as she was melting, what a world, what a world...

D2 -- good luck on your test, but keep it in perspective. If we're blessed to have you come home safely, that's all that truly matters.

1 comment:

TrudySewist said...

As a much older and, I think, wiser person, I can tell you that in the scheme of things this test won't even make the list. When you are in the moment it all seems so important. Oh, to have the youth of D2 and the smarts I now possess! I would really rock...