Saturday, April 15, 2017

Running the B and B

Years ago, Wifey and I were strolling a leafy street in Key West, past quaint inns.  Like many people, I dreamed, momentarily, that I might give up the regular job, come to Key West, and become an innkeeper.  I shared this with Wifey.  Instead of buying into this fantasy, she said suddenly and firmly" "Are you kidding?  I don't even like to clean up after or cook for my own children.  You think I'd want to do it for strangers???"  And so that fantasy died a quick and painless death...

Still, I continue to have those thoughts from time to time, and the last week I played them out.  First D2 came home on early Sunday morning, and stayed a too short few days.  But I'd greet her in the morning with Nespresso in bed, and one of the days with a cuddly Spaniel and strange rescue dog.  Her first day back at work, Wednesday, she told me she preferred sleeping late and having her coffee in bed to waking early and walking to the PATH station for work...

Then came Edna and Marc -- staying over Tuesday night.  We sat with them and watched the Marlins home opener, which turned out to be memorable with a cat running across the field and delaying the game.  Of course, in this viral social network age, the cat was taken in by a Marlins staffer, named Don Cattingly (the Fish manager is Don Mattingly), and given the nickname Rally Cat, since the Marlins won the game.

After breakfast at LOL, Marc and Edna left, but were lured back on Thursday by Wifey's movie afternoon.  I came home early, and found Wifey, her friend Jodi, Marc, Edna, and our newest guest Elizabeth all watching some French horror film.  All but Elizabeth left, and she became our latest houseguest.

That evening we went to Captain's Tavern, and Friday Elizabeth and Wifey did errands together, including a visit to the Palace to visit the ancient suegra.  Elizabeth loves to garden, and they stopped at a nursery and bought some orchids to hang on our trees, now that we have new landscaping.

Last night I poured Elizabeth a few glasses of wine, and I had a few Ketels, and we watched "20th Century Women," a roman a clef by Mike Mills, which I really liked and the two 20 century women with me thought was boring.  Go figure.

Elizabeth leaves tomorrow am, after tonight's family reunion.  I'll send her off with some fresh hot coffee.  I think she's the last guest we're expecting for awhile, and that's fine.  But my inner innkeeper enjoys it.  I guess I'll just have to do it sans Wifey, if I ever buy that B and B...

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