Saturday, December 3, 2016

Bad Modern Cinema

One of my favorite SNL bits was Dan Ackroyd playing the snooty Leonard "Pinth" Garnell as he discussed "Bad Modern Cinema."  I feel like the Garnell character quite often lately.

Wifey LOVES movies and wants to go all the time.  I like about 10% of the movies I see, and end up annoyed that I wasted hours on crappy fare.  Wifey typically goes with her friend Jody -- the two meet for matinees and satisfy their cinematic needs.

So yesterday I stayed home with Bill the electrician, a fine craftsman referred by Norman and Deb.  He arrived right on time, and we recognized each other -- he had done work on our house years ago.  I have no idea why I didn't keep his info -- probably the creeping senility that informs much of my life.

Anyway, Bill replaced some outlets and landscape light timers, and installed a new outlet for me on a previously barren part of my garage, so I can use the new trickle charger to keep my generator far, since buying it in 2005, it has worked perfectly -- it has prevented all hurricanes from hitting the 305.  For this reason, I keep it in serviceable condition.  Wifey also had two new bathroom fixtures to install, and Bill got them in in a total of 30 minutes.  It would have taken me all day, and the fixtures would have been Tower of Pisa-like...

Bill left, and we went for lunch at LOL, and then dropped in to see the ancient Suegra.  She was out with her driver Gloria, so we left to the post office.  Wifey said let's see the new Brad Pitt flick "Allied" -- I enjoy WWII genre stuff, and this is supposed to be a modern day "Casablanca," one of my favorite films.  I said no.  Wifey said "But it's my birthday month!"  I reminded her we went on a $10K cruise for her birthday, and tonight I'm taking her to see Barbra.

I pulled out of the post office lot, and drove to the Falls.  She was very happy.

And the movie was, utter crap.  It was formulaic and cliched.  It was to "Casablanca" what the Olive Garden is to Il Gabbiano -- the best Italian restaurant in Florida.  I knew every event before it happened.  And Brad Pitt, who I think is my age, played a role of a soldier who couldn't have been older than mid 30s.  Plus, Brad Pitt was FAR prettier than the actress he played opposite.  I was concerned with myself that I made that observation.

Wifey agreed the movie was poor -- she gave it 2 stars to my 1.5.  I think I need to stick to watching "Godfather" and "Casino" and "Back to School" over and over again...

Tonight, as I mentioned, we're going to see Barbra.  I knew Wifey loves her, so when Amex announced a pre sale, I went on the phone and waited.  After buying the tickets at "only" face value ($320 each), I learned she was playing a second show at the AAA Monday.  We're driving to Sunrise, or, as the Cubans call it, Casa Carajo.

Still, it ought to be a fine night.  We're meeting Geoff and Renee, my partner's sister and brother in law, and they have some good bars at the Panthers arena.

More importantly, people who need people, are the LUCKIEST people in the world...

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