Friday, September 25, 2020

Dodged the Covid Bullitt

 So Wifey and I drove over to Pinecrest Village Hall and followed the comically detailed signs directing us to the Covid19 testing area. There was a minivan in front of us, but I could tell that test-ee had forgotten to fill out the forms, and so was directed to a pit area -- we were called into position.

The very nice young tech filled out the forms. I commented she was a fellow left hander, and since she had my info in front of her, noted that her birthday was 10 days before mine, albeit in the year 1993 instead of 1961. She came over and pricked my finger for the antibody test, and then thrust up the nasal swab, and then walked around the car and did the same with Wifey. She said we'd get antibody results within 24 hours and PCR, or active Covid results, within 48.

Yesterday D2 came over to work while our lady Miriam was spiffying up her condo, and we spent a nice day watching the enormous dog frolic outside, especially in the rain. I made Daddy eggs for lunch, and in the afternoon Wifey got an email from the testing lab -- no antibodies were found.

We ordered in Chana Thai, and ate together, and at 7 FaceTimed our old friend Allison, home in Cooper City. I poured a healthy ketel one, and Allison, a huge dog lover, got to see Betsy and show off her latest rescues. D2 left to go fetch Jonathan, and head for home.

Wifey and Allison talked and talked and talked -- about decorating, and raising daughters. The hours flew by. Around 9, I emailed the testing lab, since they had promised the antibody results within 24 hours, and now close to 36 had gone by. I got a prompt response -- my results were "inconclusive," and they were waiting the PCR results before sending my report.

Great. More uncertainty. I knew that having a positive antibody test and negative PCR test was actually sort of the golden ticket -- probable immunity without suffering the effects of the disease - but I thought in my case "inconclusive" meant a pre-cursor to a positive Covid test, and the downward spiral towards a suffocating death. Oh well -- if it happened around Yom Kippur maybe people would say I was a Tzadik -- or holy type person - like they're saying about the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg. 

I went to sleep, and woke up around 5:30, and the email had come in -- sure enough, I was Covid negative. I would live to see another day!

Oh -- these plague times. They really stink. The end can't come fast enough, though most of the smartest people believe that's a full year off.

Meanwhile, I plan to enjoy my "new lease on life." Tonight there's a Zoom Happy Hour. Sunday D1 and Joey and the grandson are having us to their house for a pre fast -- bringing in food from Vagabond, which has a top 5 hamburger. And I'm having it with REGULAR fries --- not the healthy sweet potato ones, which are ok, but not as good as regular potato...

Also tonight, the Heat play, and can close out the Eastern Finals with a victory. More importantly to me -- the Canes host FSU. I really miss the tailgate for that one, but should get to see a good game.

So life remains quite worth living. I'm thankful to the Big Man that for now, the dreaded virus isn't upon us. That's saying a lot these days.

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