Sunday, July 26, 2020

To Sleep, Perchance To Dream

Like everyone, I've measured success in my life differently at different stages. As a boy, it was my fielding and hitting as a Little Leaguer. As I aged, and for many years, it was my grades at school. That lasted awhile, as I attended school from kindergarten through grade 19.

Later, it was making money, and trips. It was always how I was as a father, friend, son, and husband.

These days, I measure a lot of my success by how well I sleep. And I have been a total schlepper in that regard.

I was already having sleep issues, and then along came the plague. Goodnight, good sleep. My typical night might be sleeping from 10-1, then up an hour or two, and then hopefully another 2-4 hours, tops.  Prostate issues and anxiety were the causes.

Thankfully, a new drug has kept the prostate at bay -- making me wish I had been on finasteride for years. But that's ok. The anxiety remains.

Well -- last night I was treated to a slumber from my younger days: 10:30 p.m until 7:15 am, uninterrupted. I even recalled some of my dreams. When the morning light came into the room and woke me, I had been so deeply under that it took a moment to recall where I was. It was exquisite.

I really hope there are reprises of this experience. It's ironic -- so much of my life, it was difficult to FIND the time to sleep enough, between babies and then young kids, and a demanding law business. Now, all I HAVE is lots of time, and it's tough to fill it with lots of sleep.

As Tony Soprano always said, yeah, but what are ya gonna do?

After our Zoom happy hours, the latest of which was a great one last Friday, I always fall asleep fast, but as the alcohol metabolizes, I wake some hours later. I know alcohol isn't compatible with great sleep. It never used to be an issue, in my 30s, 40s, or even early 50s. Wifey would drive home after a night of big eating and drinking, I'd fall into bed, and wake 8 hours later. No more.

Might that happen again? We have a Zoom planned for tomorrow evening. I guess I'll do an experiment.

Meanwhile, today's numbers for the plague just came in. There were fewer than 10K Florida new cases for the first time in awhile. Deaths were also well below 100, again for the first time in a week. Might these be the proverbial green shoots? I pray to the Big Man they are.

Last night, out for one of my walks, I ran into a very nice neighbor, Dr. F. He runs a family medicine practice across from Jackson South.  He has a Duggle -- part Dachshund and part Pug. He said his family has some cabin fever, but it mostly well. I said that in these times, I was just so thankful that our family and close friends were also well. He corrected me: "That's true in ALL times." He was totally accurate, of course.

So today is Sunday, and not much is planned. I've already walked 6 miles. I weigh an even 224 -- down from a clownishly large 262 some months ago. The Ds and Wifey are very proud. I plan to keep going -- if I get to 200, that'll be terrific. I might even treat myself to a new set of clothes -- once I start wearing them again. Since March 12, I have not worn anything other than shorts and T shirts -- no need to .

But for now -- ah -- I hope I get more nights of sleep like the one I had last night. That would be something.

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