Wednesday, July 22, 2020

If You Want Something Done, Ask a Busy Person to Do It

Ah, the truth of that saying!  Lately, as a very NON busy person, I see the negative side of things. It seems every little thing is daunting. And little deals become big deals.

Exhibit A: our long time housekeeper Miriam. We decided we couldn't have her come to the house for several months, on account of Covid.  I decided to pay her anyway, and sent her checks each week.  Finally, we realized it was ok if she came to do her work if we weren't home, and so would schedule her for times when we visited either of the Ds.

The running joke we share with Jeff and Lili, who have also had Miriam for decades, is that we really work for her, and not the other way around. She likes to clean the outside areas every few weeks, though since March, we haven't had the luxury of being away for those "extra visits."

But finally, she told Wifey it had to change -- she insisted. Bear in mind, Miriam speaks about ZERO English, which corresponds to Wifey's Spanish ability. So they text -- using Google Translate.

Well, it was decided that Miriam would come today -- or was it???? Apparently there was a miscommunication -- she thought she was coming to do the outside. Problem is -- it's raining like a mother... -- raining cats and dogs today. So as we're getting ready to decamp to D1's, the text came in -- she can't do the outside because of the rain.

It annoyed and bothered me more than it should. We have so little going on, that planning our schedule around our housekeeper, to then have it be for naught, really got to me.

During normal times, when I actually go to the office, and leave the 'hood for more than brief trips, I couldn't have cared less. But I felt my blood pressure rising.

Well -- turns out she CAN come today, and Wifey and I will be leaving soon. We'll fetch Bagel Emporium lunch for D1 and Joey. We'll spend some hours with them, trying to keep out of the work at home pair. We'll hopefully get to take the baby on a walk, if the rain subsides.

And Wifey's right -- I really have to reorient. Whether or not a housekeeper shows is no big deal. I was never one to sweat the small stuff, as the self help book advised, and most things were small stuff.

During quarantine, small stuff becomes big stuff.

I was joking Monday that I had a big day. I actually drove the bank to get cash -- drive through of course. And then I needed a new SunPass transponder, which the company failed to send me. So I parked at a local CVS, masked up, and walked in. I was there 10 minutes, and made the purchase. It occurred to me it was my entrance to a retain store since March.

We celebrated later with a fun Zoom happy hour. Once again, Wifey suggested I have that vodka martini each day. I'm resisting -- I enjoy looking forward to the break, and savor them. If I have a cocktail 3 times per week -- that seems to be best for me.

Next scheduled is Friday -- Dr. Barry's birthday. Hopefully he makes it home from work in time.

In the mean time, we're off. I really look forward to again being a busy person -- at least partially. This small world living is taking its toll.

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