Sunday, July 5, 2020

All Considering...A Fine Fourth

I was up early and doing my constitutional with Jeff -- we got in nearly 4 miles despite the heat and humidity. We talked about the latest -- his middle girl just started her Psychiatry Residency, and was told that there was an emergency -- all Residents would be pulled out in order to help out with the Covid surge. Oh boy. This is unprecedented, but then again, so is everything these days. I guess his girl will get a Residency to be talked about for the ages...

D1 and Joey and the little man arrived, and Joey and I walked some more, in order to get the baby to nap. Then D2 and Jonathan and their enormous puppy arrived. We ordered Anthony's Coal Fired, and it was delicious -- Joey ate when he returned from the nap walk.  Afterwards we all played with the grandson -- he is, thankfully, so delightful, and it was adorable to watch his reaction when the 70 lb. Betsy ambled by -- like he was seeing a dinosaur.

I poured some adult beverages, and we retired to the pool. The water was perfect. The little guy wants to swim -- he happily splashed away. The Ds' dear friend Alyssa came by -- she was on a bike ride from her parents' house  a few miles away, and she joined us for laughter, good cheer, and adoration of the baby. She's truly a part of our family.

Later on, D1 and Joey headed home with their beautiful boy, and D2 and Jonathan stayed. Their friends Brett and Elise came by -- they had been visiting their parents -- and the young uns socially distanced in the dining room. Of course, I poured them drinks -- tequila for the ladies, and Hendrix for the men.

Brett and Elise want to buy their first house in Pinecrest, and saw one for sale in our 'hood. Would I lead them on a tour? Ah -- after pouring drinks, that's my best and highest use.

I showed them the house for sale, as well as the others, and told them all about Devonwood. Despite both being Pinecrest natives, and Palmetto grads, they really had only been to visit our house. They loved the place.

I told them it would be awesome if they moved in.

The 2 young couples came back, and raided the leftover pizza and wings and salad. Wifey and I watched "The Music Man" and it was delightful to hear the laughter coming from the dining room. I think they might have stayed all night, but I reminded them we were under curfew, and they ought to get back to the Grove and Brickell by 10. They agreed -- the thought of Betsy in paw cuffs was too sad to consider...

So -- we made the best of it. It turned out to be a fine fourth.

The Ds remembered my birthday comes in two weeks. We agreed to reconvene -- but maybe with some takeout steaks this time.  59. Beginning my 60th year on this planet.

Days like yesterday remind me how lucky I am. There is turmoil, of course. I ask the Big Man to lighten the world's load. And in the mean time, we endure...nicely.

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