Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saturday In The Grove

So yesterday was lovely -- D1 came over with our grandson, and we spent some lovely hours with them both. D1 and I walked while the little man napped, under the close, video supervision of Wifey. When it was time to leave, I encountered an issue with the new generation of babies: complicated car seats.

When the Ds were little, you'd pull down straps, snap the buckle, and that was it. The newfangled ones look like something out of the Space Shuttle. It was raining, and I realized the new contraption was beyond my engineering ability. We FaceTimed Joey for help. I did my best. When they arrived home -- sure enough, I had screwed up. I asked for a tutorial next time we're together. The Little Man was no worse for the wear...

Today, our cleaning lady Miriam is due over, and keeping with our strict distancing rules, that means we must decamp elsewhere. D2 and Jonathan are having us over to their place in the Grove -- our first time there since March.  I look most forward to their lovely balcony, with views of Sailboat Bay. I have a sense Jonathan and I might share a cocktail or two there.

They may have found their house -- after several months of looking. I love the place -- in a part of the Grove gentriFIED, rather than gentriFYING.  As an over protective Dad, that means a lot to me. The place is on the same street as Alyssa and Fredy's townhouse -- dear family friends. The only problem is that D1 now has MAJOR FOMO -- her sister and best friend on the same street -- she living 25 minutes north. This should be our major life issue...

Meanwhile, the cases of Covid surge here.  We plan to stay in and away from people as much as possible. No restaurants. No trips to any stores. All delivery -- all the time.

Today we'll be masked up, of course, and avoid any groups on the street.

Despite all of the precautions -- we know there is zero guarantee. Seems to me all we can do is try as much as reasonably possible to minimize risk of infection. The Big Man has final say, anyway...

So also, yesterday, I finally caught up with a major cultural issue, now 4 years old: I watched "Hamilton," or at least part of it. We had tickets for all of us to go see it at the Arscht Center before the plague. Now it's on Disney Plus TV -- and Wifey and D1 had it on yesterday as they played with the baby.

Eh. As I suspected, it never grabbed me. I appreciated its creativity, and the brilliant lyrics, etc...

But as I told D2 -- I'm a standard musical or musical comedy guy. "Book of Mormon" is more my speed. I know I'm in the tiny minority -- FaceBook (tm) is filled with gushing about "Hamilton." Gush on, fans. Give me "Fiddler on the Roof," or "Sound of Music..."

So it's another weekend during the time of the pandemic.  We slog on. We appreciate how great we have it. Still -- we want the damn bug to leave the world alone, already...

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